Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo is a disease of color cells or pigments. It is not serious but a social disease, as Dr. Rajesh Shah says. Vitiligo can be mild, moderate, or severe. Vitiligo can be completely curable, partly curable, controllable, or incurable. It all depends on a set of reasons, such as hormonal, genetic, and others.

Every case calls for scrutiny to be able to decide its curability and treatment. The treatment has to be based on the underlying causes of vitiligo.

Different therapies for Vitiligo Treatment

There are different therapies for Vitiligo treatment. All may produce results to some extent for Vitiligo, depending on each case. Vitiligo treatment includes conventional medicine, so-called modern medicine and alternative medicine modes of treatment that can help with the improvement of vitiligo.

The treatment is used by different modes of administration of the following:

  • Topical or local cream
  • Lotions or oils
  • Oral medicines
  • Use of phototherapy
  • Injections

Different types of Vitiligo

The different types of vitiligo are as follows:

  • Non-segmental vitiligo
  • Segmental vitiligo
  • Generalized vitiligo
  • Localized or Focal  vitiligo
  • Universal vitiligo
  • Acrofacial vitiligo
  • Drug-induced vitiligo

Your doctor will analyze the type of vitiligo based on your clinical condition and medical history. Choosing conventional and alternative modes of treatment for vitiligo treatment can help you provide good relief from vitiligo. The conventional treatment can be gradually tapered with alternative natural solutions for perfect vitiligo treatment. 

Vitiligo Treatment - Conventional Treatment

The conventional treatment for vitiligo involves

Topical Corticosteroids, which include the most common medicines

  • Tacrolimus
  • Mometasone Furoate
  • Topical vitamin D analogs
  • Ruxolitinib (Opzelura)

Light Therapy, which includes artificial light exposure

  • Laser or phototherapy, which includes narrow-band UVB light
  • PUVA, which includes Psoralen + UVA light

Oral medications

  • Immunosuppressants
  • Janus Kinase Inhibitors (JAK)

Surgical Procedures

  • Grafting
  • Cell (Melanocyte transplant)

Camouflage skin

  • Makeup
  • Self-tanner
  • Skin dyes

All the above-mentioned conventional lines of treatment only treat the problems externally. This may cause suppression of the autoimmune problem of vitiligo, which may result in cropping up of vitiligo in some other parts of the body. It is essential to know that vitiligo is an internal condition that needs treatment from the root cause to control the spread and help to recover the affected area.

Complications of vitiligo

Vitiligo can become complicated in cases when it is difficult to recover the affected areas and may cause distress as the following -

  • Mental stress like anxiety and depression
  • Eye involvement like iritis
  • Sunburn
  • Skin cancer
  • Skin atrophy or thinning due to long-term use of steroids

It is important to address vitiligo early to prevent these complications in the future.

Can vitiligo be cured?

Many effective treatments can help improve vitiligo. Treatment of vitiligo is possible. However, a complete cure may depend on several factors, which can include:

  • Age
  • Extent of Vitiligo
  • Chronicity of the vitiligo
  • Associated auto-immune diseases
  • Past medical history
  • Current medications
  • Previous therapies taken for vitiligo

All these factors are taken into consideration while treating vitiligo. We understand that every vitiligo case has different causative factors, extent, and history of the disease. It requires value-added professional expertise in assessing the cases of vitiligo from its root cause for a good natural and authentic solution.

Treatment of Vitiligo at Life Force

Vitiligo treatment at Life Force addresses the immunological factors responsible for its development. The immune system is governed by various genetic, environmental, physical, emotional, and hormonal factors, etc. So, vitiligo treatment should consider the totality of the person who has vitiligo.

Life Force has major professional expertise in treating vitiligo. The factors mentioned above are considered for treatment at Life Force for vitiligo.

At Life Force, we use medically graded solutions and clinically proven & research-based medicines for vitiligo treatment. Let us give valuable insights on Vitiligo treatment at Life Force with the following:

The vitiligo treatment plan at Life Force involves clinically proven medicines that have a targeted approach toward vitiligo treatment. Along with medicines for vitiligo, we also help provide healthy solutions for good skin health, which will help you improve and control vitiligo with better natural solutions. Let us give you a glimpse of natural solutions for long-lasting results at Lifeforce Homeopathy.

The treatment at Life Force involves the following steps:

Step #1: A Detailed Professional Consultation with the Life Force Doctor

Step #2: Diagnosis with Wood lamps’ Examination

Step #3: Treatment Plan along with the duration of treatment and prognosis

Step #4: Natural Solutions and Medicines for Vitiligo at Life Force

Step #5: Diet Plan for Vitiligo

Step #6: Dos and Don’ts for Vitiligo

Step #7: Supplements taken during treatment for Vitiligo

Step #8: Cope up with vitiligo

Step #9: Maintenance Therapy for Vitiligo

Benefits of Vitiligo Treatment at Life Force

The vitiligo treatment plan at Life Force uses a different approach than other treatments to treat vitiligo and offers the affected individual great improvement and control. Some prominent benefits of vitiligo treatment at Life Force are as below:

  • The vitiligo treatment plan at Life Force acts on your body’s immunity level and helps normalize your overactive immune system. It controls the further spread of vitiligo.
  • Vitiligo medicines and treatments are derived from natural extracts, which are completely safe to use and do not cause any side effects like the conventional mode of treatment.
  • Vitiligo treatment figures out the root cause of white patches on skin issues and works to stabilize the condition under control and gradually recover it over some time.
  • Vitiligo medicines are specific with target therapy for vitiligo for every affected individual. It considers detailed medical history, past treatments, and various other factors to provide you with a customized treatment plan that will work for your immune system.
  • Vitiligo treatment by Lifeforce provides long-term relief by controlling the spread of the disease.

Many of our patients at Life Force have been taking long-term steroids with or without relief with relapse before they consult us. With the Vitiligo Treatment Plan at Life Force, we have successfully delivered long-lasting results by controlling the further spread of the disease. With Life Force Treatment for Vitiligo, we have seen a good recovery in children and patients at a young age. Patients at Life Force have also recovered with long-term treatment for vitiligo by following the correct diet and maintenance therapy.





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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Vitiligo Case Studies

A 29-year-old male patient, Mr. S.Z. (PIN: 19775) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of vitiligo in August 2012.


He was suffering from Vitiligo since a year. The patches were majorly present on his chest, abdomen, and thighs. When he .....Read more


A 45-year-old male patient, Mr. Rakesh (Name changed) (PIN: 39195) came to Life Force and started Homeopathic treatment for his complaints of Vitiligo in 2019.


He was suffering from vitiligo for the last 5 years, and vitilig.....Read more

A 19-year-old female patient, Ms. P.B. (PIN: 35642) visited the Borivali branch of Life Force on 11th February 2018 for the treatment of her Vitiligo.


She had hypopigmented patches on her right eyelid and chin for one year. The patches were increasing in size.....Read more

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A book on Vitiligo by Dr Rajesh Shah who has treated 6000+ cases of vitiligo

Symptoms of Vitiligo: Mild, Moderate and Severe Vitiligo Symptoms by Dr Shah


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