Vitiligo: Chances of Recovery
Every vitiligo patient or child's parent will have this question. You have to understand that the chances of recovery or regimentation in the case of Vitiligo depend on several factors. Based on our extensive study and research, we would like to share some of our observations with you. It may be noted that the standard medical textbooks do not clearly suggest what we have described on this page, based on our clinical experience. It has to be also noted that we are simply sharing our viewpoint based on a study of over 6500 cases of vitiligo at Life Force. Following notes are simply suggestive and not conclusive, as there may be exceptions.
01 Cases that can find excellent results:
a Cases of recent origin (less than two years)
b Children
c A few scattered and sporadic spots (segmental vitiligo)
d No history of oral or local use of cortisone
e No strong family history of vitiligo or other autoimmune diseases
02 Cases that can find very good results:
a Cases of recent origin (Vitiligo of two to five years)
b Fewer spots
c No affection of fingertips, lips, and genitals
d No history of use of cortisone, oral or local
e No strong family history of Vitiligo
03 Cases that can find good results and better control:
a Cases of recent origin (Vitiligo of two to five years)
b Moderate spread of vitiligo spots
c No affection of fingertips, lips, and genitals
d No history of use of cortisone, oral or local
e Family history of Vitiligo
f Associated hypothyroidism (Underactive Thyroid), Diabetes, Alopecia Areata or other auto-immune diseases make the recovery of vitiligo difficult
04 Cases that can find poor results but fair control:
More than ten years of old cases of Vitiligo
b Extensive spread. Bilateral affections (vitiligo spots on both sides of the body, such as elbows, legs, around eyes, fingertips, etc. )
c Affection of fingertips, lips, and genitals
d History of use of cortisone, oral or local
e History of family history of Vitiligo or other diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, Alopecia Areata, cancer, etc.
f Associated Hypothyroid (Underactive Thyroid), Diabetes, Alopecia Areata or other auto-immune diseases make the recovery of vitiligo difficult
05 Cases that find very poor results and no treatment is suggested:
a More than ten-year-old cases of Vitiligo
b Extensive spread. Bilateral affections. Large patches of vitiligo.
c Affection of fingertips, lips, and genitals
d History of use of cortisone, oral or local
e History of family history of extensive Vitiligo or other diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroid, Alopecia Areata, cancer, etc.
f Associated Hypothyroid (Underactive thyroid), Diabetes, Alopecia Areata or other auto-immune diseases make the recovery of vitiligo difficult
It may be noted that the above information is based on clinical observation. There are many factors that influence the course and treatment of Vitiligo, which is out of the scope of this article. The above remarks give a broad idea to the patients about the prognosis of Vitiligo.
It is not possible to give visuals of all sorts of cases that are either treatable or not treatable; however, just to give you glimpses of the extent + curability, please examine three cases, showing the mild, moderate and severer extent of Vitiligo. Mild cases are curable, moderate cases are partly curable and controllable, while severe cases are incurable and controllable, using homeopathy. These images and information are more empirical. There can be many variants and variations.

You are also suggested to conduct a Vitiligo Curability Test online, which will allow you to evaluate your chances of recovery of your Vitiligo.
Clinical prognosis
The medical textbooks do not describe a detailed prognosis of vitiligo disorder. The prognostic notes given on these pages are based on and derived from the significant clinical experience in the treatment of over 10,000 cases (January 2022) at Life Force Homeopathy by Dr. Rajesh Shah and his team of doctors. It may be noted that we still cannot predict absolute chances of recovery in each case of vitiligo. We may only make some presumptions based on the clinical presentation, the causative factors, and the genetic background of the individual patients.
The views expressed here are based on certain clinical experiences. In medical practice, there could be variations in results as well as exceptions. The objective of defining the scope or the prognosis is more informational and educational.

Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)