Symptoms of Vitiligo
Symptoms of vitiligo
Symptoms of vitiligo may vary from a single, tiny spot of depigmentation to 10-20 spots of moderate size to innumerable, large patches all over the body. Its spread may also vary from static to very slow, or moderately spread to very rapidly spreading. There are underlying factors that determine the size and the extent of the spread.
The typical symptom of Vitiligo is a milky white depigmented spot or spots. It may vary from a single white spot to multiple spots. The shape too is variable; round or irregular in shape. In some cases, generalized depigmentation is observed all over the body. It has a tendency to start as a single spot and gradually grow in size and number. It may present with a single or several spots on limbs, abdomen or back and then spread to other parts of the body. In some of the vitiligo patches, the hair may turn gray, suggesting a loss of melanin pigment at the roots.
In some cases, showing affection of the mucocutaneous junctions such as fingertips, corners of the mouth, genital, around eyes. The spread of the disorder is usually slow and progressive. Symmetrical appearance on both sides of the body (say, on the legs, hands, etc.) is common. In rare cases, one finds vitiligo spreading all over the body. It is a common concern among the patients if the disease would spread to the entire body, which happens very rarely.
How does Vitiligo spread?
The spread of vitiligo is governed by various factors, such as 1. Genetic activity 2. Hormonal factors 3. Continued Stress factors 4. Exposure to chemicals, etc. Many patients may start with just a single spot and may not get more spots for many years or for throughout their lifetime. Some patients may show the rapid spread, as fast as from one spot to hundreds, in a few months' time. It is not possible to predict the pace of the spread. Also, some patients may show intermittent spread. It may be noted from experience that those who pace certain body areas affected, such as the fingertips, are at higher risk of having an aggressive spread; it is not a rule though. Some patients may present with grey hair, suggesting a loss of pigment in the hair.
Associated systemic disorders:
There are several systemic disease symptoms (affecting the entire body system), which are at times associated with Vitiligo: 1. Underactive thyroid 2. Diabetes 3. Alopecia Areata (patchy hair loss) 4. SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) 5. Pernicious Anemia 6. Addison's Disease 7. Collagen Diseases 8. Grave's Disease
It may be noted that the sufferers of Vitiligo need not be unduly scared of the above disease conditions, as they should not be regarded as the complications of Vitiligo in every case. The most common conditions found along with vitiligo include underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and alopecia areata (patchy hair loss).
Vitiligo with Eczema, Psoriasis, and Lichen Planus
In some cases, Vitiligo may coexist or follow after one of the conditions, such as psoriasis, lichen planus, or eczema. Here is a photo of a patient who has a loss of pigment after having eczema on foot.

In this case, you will find Lichen Planus associated with and leading to vitiligo. Such a presentation is not very common.
Some commonly affected areas
The photos show some of the commonly affected areas.

Bilateral symmetrical: Vitiligo on Eye Lids

Scattered (solitary) Fingertips: Vitiligo on Hands

Vitiligo with grey hair Feet: Vitiligo on Ankles
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)