Vitiligo eyelash with hair turned gray (white)

Vitiligo with hair turned white (gray)
Vitiligo can affect hairy and non-hairy parts of the skin. Vitiligo patches on the hairy part may have either black (normal) hair or may have hair turned gray or white. When the hair turns white, it suggests that there is a lack of melanocyte reservoir in that part, which means that the hair will not turn normal again.
Also, in such cases, it is difficult for that patch of vitiligo to pigment. In clinical practice, it is rare to find that the gray hair due to vitiligo returns to normal. Here is a case of a child treated at Life Force by Dr. Shah, who had extensive vitiligo on many parts of the body. Also, the child had her eyelashes turned gray or white. The parents were informed of no chance of the eyelashes turning black. However, interestingly, over a period of time, not only did her vitiligo improve in most places, but her eyelashes also started turning black.
In this photo, one can see fully turned black hair in the eyelashes. (PIN 16268)
This is the wonder of homeopathy!

Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)