Teacher, thinker, researcher

Dr Rajesh Shah has extensive teaching experience. He was one of the youngest homeopaths who joined as a visiting lecturer at CMPH Medical College, under Mumbai University in 1989. Around the same time, he started teaching in the international circuit. He conducted seminars for homeopaths as well as conventional doctors in India, the UK, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic, Ireland, and more. 

In 1994, he started conducting a Clinical Training Course in Homeopathy, at his clinics in Mumbai; especially for homeopaths from foreign countries. The training courses became popular among homeopaths that attended training from Germany, Sweden, the USA, Canada, Italy, Japan, Croatia, Australia, South Africa, Russia, etc. The training was clinic-based involving 8-9 hours of hands-on learning daily for six days a week. 

Dr Shah believes in teaching which works for all homeopaths. He is against the imaginary and non-scientific approaches in homeopathy, which are floated by some teachers in recent years. He has raised queries on the unfounded approaches in a series of editorials in Homeopathy Times, way back in 1994-95-96.

His teachings are based on research in homeopathy. His involvement in new drug discovery and the use of new medicines for difficult diseases form a major part of his teachings. 

Link to Dr Rajesh Shah Training doctors in all five continents

Link to a report by Laura Fenton on Dr Shah's seminar

Link to Dr Rajesh Shah and Dr Rupal Shah seminars in the UK


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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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An 82-year-old Mr. S.P. from Mumbai (PIN: 42247) visited the Life Force Kemps corner branch in January 2020 for the treatment of Oral Lichen Planus.

He was suf.....Read more

A 45-year-old male patient (PIN: 35634) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of seborrheic dermatitis on 10th February 2018.


The patient had the complaints of seborrheic dermatitis from the last 17 years. He complained of sticky dan.....Read more

A 12-years-old girl, Ms. H.J. (PIN 31767) consulted at Life Force on 2nd April 2017 with a complaint of a Migraine. The patient was suffering from this complaint for two years. She was suffering from the pain in the temporal area. She was experiencing the heaviness in her head. She had the feelin.....Read more

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