Limca book of world record Press Release on Dr. Rajesh Shah's World Record:
Treating patients from 180 countries
(as of 5th February, 08)

(He has broken his own record a few times since the year 2000.)

Doctor without Boundaries!!
~: Press Release (For International Press) :~

Dr. Rajesh Shah's entry into the Limca Book of Records:

Dr Rajesh ShahThe Limca Book of Records, 2003 has made a new entry indicating a new record as under
Dr. Rajesh Shah, Director, Homeopathy India Foundation has treated patients from 100 countries since he started his practice in 1985 in Mumbai. Graduating from Bombay Homoeopathic Medical College, in 1984, his first patient from abroad was in 1985. The global patients vary from poor families from countries like Ethiopia to the family of the ex-president of the United States. Besides his teaching visits to countries and his articles in international periodicals, the Internet has played a major role in helping his patients find him directly. 

He has started Homeopathy Information Cell a unique interactive service on the Internet."

Excerpts from Limca Book of Records, 2003; 
Over the period of the last 18 years, Dr. Rajesh Shah has been communicating with the people through various media to spread the message of homeopathy. "I am a homeopathy activist," says Dr. Shah. 

The readers of various publications in many countries, the viewers of his talks on the television, the students and the doctors who have been taught by him in many countries, and the visitors to his websites, who were looking out for someone who could treat patients with homeopathy, found Dr. Rajesh Shah's clinic as a source of treatment. 

As of now, Dr. Rajesh Shah's clinics in Mumbai have been visited by patients from many countries. There are so many people who come to Mumbai for getting treated with homeopathy by Dr. Shah. 

"My responsibility towards my patients who visit me all the way flying over 12000 kilometers, is all the more. I am morally bound to make sure that their faith in homeopathy grows," admits Dr. Shah.

"Homeopathy treatment just a click away": Dr Rajesh Shah story in India's most leading newspaper, The Economic Times,

Economic Times   


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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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A 68-year-old male patient from Tanzania, Mr. A.H. (PIN: 25496) was suffering from great discomfort due to his severe itching complaint. From the last 4 years, he was experiencing the complaint of itching which would first begin with redness of the skin on any part of the body and then develop in.....Read more

This is a case of a 35 yr old lady (Patient Pin No: L- 6251) residing in the UAE. This lady came to the clinic for the treatment of Lichen Planus since the past 2 months. She had extensive eruptions on her hands, abdomen, thighs as well as her back. She complained of immense itching which was wor.....Read more

A 76-year-old male patient, Mr. N.K. (PIN: 32233) approached Life Force on 25th May 2017 for the treatment of his Eczema. He was suffering from this disease for almost 10 years. The patch was present on both his legs below the knees. Swelling and redness were present in the lesions. The skin.....Read more

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