Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, of course, homeopathy is a system of medicine which can work for any living being, whether humans, animals, or birds.

In fact, homeopathy is preferred for pets, and you know the animals, such as small domestic animals such as dogs and cats, as well as farm animals such as horses, and even the wild animals such as lions, tigers, and elephants.

For all these animals, homeopathy has been used extensively by many practitioners of homeopathy in many parts of the world.

Though I am not a pet homeopath, but as a as a practitioner and as a researcher, I know it very well that homeopathy is strongly recommended for the use of pets for their day-to-day problems as well as for their chronic diseases.

Many people in India, they feel that homeopathic medicines and allopathic medicines cannot be taken together.

Well, in my experience, it is the wrong idea. In fact, there are so many diseases for which homeopathic medicines and allopathic medicines, they need to be taken together.

And there is nothing wrong because homeopathy has its own advantages and limitations.

So has the conventional medicine, or allopathy, which also has its own advantages.

We need to integrate both the systems of medicine to give the best to the patients.

So it is absolutely advisable and scientific to take both the systems of medicine together strategically, and your doctor has to know how and when to reduce some medicines as the patient starts showing response or improvement.

We'll talk about those diseases which may require homeopathic treatment and allopathic medicines, that is, conventional medicine, together in the same patient.

There are so many diseases which no single remedy or single therapy can treat, and you need the mix or the blend of both the systems.

Just to name them randomly, the patients such as anxiety, neurosis, depression, chronic gastritis, ulcerative colitis, nephrotic syndrome, there is a kidney disorder, autism, cancer,some infections such as HIV, hepatitis C, some diseases such as Crohn's disease, IBS, menstrual disorders in females, hormonal disorders, underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism are some of the diseases in which you need to take homeopathic medicines and the conventional medicine or allopathic medicines together.

There is an unspoken feeling amongst the Indians that homeopathy and allopathy are kind of contrary to each other or they are enemies to each other.

And sometimes they also feel that homeopathic doctors and allopathic doctors are like enemies.

Not really. In fact, the reality is that there are two different systems of medicine.

And both the systems of medicine have their own advantages as well as limitations.

And both the medicines, they need to be integrated in a beautiful way to give the bestto the patients.

So, in that sense, homeopathy and allopathy, they need to be integrated.

They both are friends with each other to get the best to the patients. They are not enemies.

Homeopathic doctors and allopathic doctors they also are friends with each other.

They also need to work together in such a way that they are able to provide the best advice to the patients.

Are there any bad effects if the patient takes allopathy and homeopathic medicines together?

Well, not really.

In fact, there are so many diseases for which one may require to take allopathic medicines and homeopathic medicines together, and that will not necessarily produce any bad effects or adverse effects.

In fact, there are diseases such as chronic diseases such as cancer or HIV infection, orpsoriatic arthritis, ulcerative colitis, nephrotic syndrome.

These are the conditions in which both the medicines may need to be taken together for a considerable amount of time.

And one of the medicines could be reduced subsequently, depending on the progress.

Is homeopathy very slow in producing results?

What are your thoughts on it?

Good question. Good question.

You are a good question.

Homeopathy is slow to some extent, in the treatment of chronic and recurring diseases.

Homeopathy produces reasonably good results, with fast results in acute conditions.

But as compared to the chemical based treatments, homeopathy may be considered slow, but it is not very slow also at the same time.

Depending on what you are treating, from taking a chronic condition or a disease which is of 10-20 years duration then it may take little longer to get the release.

Are investigations required for homeopathic treatment?

Of course, yes.

All the investigations done,ásuch as a bloodáprofile, CT scan, MRI, biopsy, and so on, are just to understand the nature of the disease and to conclude a diagnosis.

For any treatment, whether you are treating the patient with conventional medicine,áallopathy, or homeopathy, one has to understand the diagnosis.

So all the homeopathic doctors will investigate youfor arriving to a right diagnosis by using all the modalities of investigations.

And you need to bring the investigational reports when you visit a homeopathic doctor.

When there are some deficiencies in the body, for example, vitamin B12, B1, D3, vitamin C, or deficiency of albumin, globulin, proteins, etc.

These deficiencies can be treated by supplying it from outside in the form of either oral medicines or injectable or intramuscular injections.

They are not allopathic.

The need for all the supplements as and when required isIntegral part of using homeopathic treatment.

So it is a misbelief that the use of supplements is a part of allopathic medicines.

In fact, it is system neutral, so to say, and homeopathic doctors and homeopathic treatment may also require to use all these supplements as required.

Many people believe that surgery or doing the operations is allopathic way of treating.

Actually, it is not.

You must know that surgery is not allopathic.

Surgery is an art and science by itself, and it is not belonging to any particular system of medicine.

Only because the so-called allopathic medicines or conventional medicines are used before and after the surgery so people have a misbelief that surgery is a part of allopathy.

Surgery is as much as a part of homeopathy as much as it is with allopathy.

Surgery is a separate system which is integrated with allopathy as well as homeopathy.

So all the homeopathic doctors and allopathic doctors are essentially surgeons and physicians at undergraduate level.

Let us discuss what are the diseases for which you should vote for homeopathy as a treatment option.

All chronic and recurrent diseases, you should vote for homeopathy.

For example, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergies, etc.

For all children and female diseases such as developmental disorders, hormonal disorders, you should vote for homeopathy.

For all kinds of skin diseases, such as urticaria, vitiligo, lichen penis, psoriasis, eczema, you should vote for homeopathy.

For all autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, colitis, ankylosing spondylitis, cancers, etc., you should think and vote for homeopathy.

For all those diseases which do not respond to any one particular therapy, one must vote for homeopathy as well.

For all psychosomatic diseases such as migraine headaches, colitis, IBS, certain forms of arthritis, etc., you should vote for homeopathy.

For all the psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, neurosis, depression, and so on, you should opt and vote for homeopathy.

So homeopathy is a choice that you have, and homeopathy is your right. So vote for homeopathy whenever it is indicated.

Thank you.

The extent of the disease by getting one investigated through blood reports, biopsy, or even an MRI, CT scan, etc.

So to know the disease is very important for every treatment, and so also for homeopathy.

For good homeopathic treatment, one has to. conclude a diagnosis, and for diagnosis, one has to do all the investigations which are equally important for the treatment of homeopathy.

Disease diagnosis using all the scientific parameters, investigation methods is as important in homeopathy as much as important for the conventional age.

The science of homeopathy follows many modern concepts, and one of the most exciting concepts of homeopathy is the way how medicines are prepared, and that is called potentization.

In this process of potentization, eventually, through a series of serial dilution and agitation, what remains is the nanoparticles of the source material, and these nanoparticles are found effective to bring about recovery in various diseases.

This research wasby leading scientists at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, as well as by several universities in the world.

That makes homeopathy very modern by giving a nano dimension to it.

So homeopathic medicines essentially are a form of nanomedicine.

Isn't it interesting?

It is very interesting to know how homeopathic medicines are prepared.

The process is called potentization, which entails taking one part of the source material, which is mixed with 99 parts of non-medicated substance, which undergoes a series of imparted force that makes 1C potency.

Now, again, one part of 1C potency is mixed with 99 parts of non-medicated substance, undergoing the same process, making it 2C potency.

Likewise, we prepared 30C, 200C, 1000C and so on.

What is interesting is that only some nanoparticles remain of the source material in the usable potencies, and that is the beauty in the science of homeopathy.

Well, in fact, thousands of allopathic doctors across the world, they practice homeopathy or they recommend homeopathy to their patients.

If your allopathic doctor is not able to recommend you homeopathy, it could be because of A, the bias about homeopathy, or B, ignorance about homeopathy.

So the best thing is that you ask your doctor to just upgrade himself or herself about the latest developments in homeopathy.

And latest development shows a lot of new efficacies and evidence about the benefits of homeopathy in various scientific research models.

So I'm sure that will help your doctor to upgrade oneself and also spread a good word about homeopathy.

People often ask about the role of homeopathy in increasing the weight and also for decreasing the weight.

In case of children having low weight, homeopathy can definitely help you to increase the weight by controlling the infections, by also improving the metabolism.

In case of reducing the weight with homeopathy, homeopathy will not help you to directly reduce the weight.

However, if there are conditions such as underactive thyroid, PCOD, etc. Homeopathy can treat those diseases, and in turn, one can have some reduction in weight.

However, the weight gain has to be controlled by diet and exercise.

Without that, only with the medicine, one cannot expect to reduce the weight.

Hope this helps.

Patients often ask if there are painkillers in homeopathy, if there are antibiotics in homeopathy.

Well, painkilling medicines are there in homeopathy.

There are several medicines which help you to reduce the pain, alleviate the pain, acute pain as well as chronic pain.

So these medicines can be taken very safely to reduce and alleviate the pain. In case of antibiotics, there are no antibiotics as such in homeopathy.

However, there are medicines in homeopathy which can help you to.

Control the infection, reduce the infection, kill the organisms not by directly killing them, but by enhancing the body's immune system in such a way that the organism's growth can become less and the infection comes under control.

So that way, homeopathy has painkilling medicines as well as antibacterial, antimicrobial medicines.

Did you know that research in homeopathy in India happens at very eminent scientific institutions, which are government as well as non-government institutions?

For example, Hopkin Institute in Mumbai, they did research on developing new drugs from mycobacterium tuberculosis organism as well as COVID virus.

Research done at Tata Memorial at Trek on cancer and homeopathy.

To find out how homeopathy works, research at ICT, previously known asUDCT in Mumbai, the Chemical Engineering Institution has done research on new homeopathy drugs for pain in animal model.

IIT in Mumbai has done research on nanotechnology and homeopathy.

Research done at Gujarat University on COVID virus.

Research done at Kalyani University, series of experiments on cancer and homeopathy, and many other such diseases. Research at Mumbai University has worked on fundamentals of potentization and homeopathy at the Department of Biophysics.

Research at Nair Hospitalon developing some new drugs from microbes and checking their efficacy against infection.

Research at SP College has done on anti-cancer potentials of homeopathy.

Research done at Jesse Bose Institute in Kolkata on physics behind homeopathy.

So homeopathy research is done by mainstream scientists across the country.

Thank you.

Let me share 7 homeopathic medicines for your first aid to be kept at home, in your car, in your purse, in your office, as well as while traveling.

1. Arnica Montana A master homeopathic drug for any kind of injury. When you are not sure what to give, give Arnica for head injury, for muscle injury, for sprains, for bruises, for spine injury, back injury.

2. Rust Toxicodendronfor any muscular injury or muscle spasm, or a sprain

3. Lidum Palustre a medicine for any injury to the nose or eyes

4. Ruta Gravulus a medicine for any injury to the muscles, ligaments, or eyes

5. Symphytum a medicine for injury to ligaments, soft tissues, joints, or eyes

6. Hypericum a medicine for any kind of nerve injury, like pointed injuries or sharp cuts with knife

7. Kantharis, a drug for any kind of burns on the skin.

These are the seven medicines you should never forget to keep with you.

Did you ever think that homeopathy is your choice?

And once you make a choice based on the benefits that homeopathy is capable of giving you, whether for yourself as a patient or for your family member, it becomes your fundamental right, and nobody can stop you from taking the benefits of homeopathy only because one doesn't know about the benefits of homeopathy.

So in that case, you are not even dependent on the physician who might suggest you homeopathyor who might not suggest homeopathy because it is your fundamental right, and you can always ask for homeopathic treatment in your chronic disease if it is not responding to the conventional medicine.

I hope this helps.

Did you know that homeopathy is your birthright?

And for this right, sometimes you might be deprived of this benefit or this privilege if your doctor is not able to suggest you homeopathy.

And for which you may have to fight a little, you may have to discuss this with your doctor, and you may have to really exercise this by getting yourself more informed about the benefits of homeopathy, its efficacy in various chronic and recurrent diseases, and you must take the advantage of this.

This will happen only if you consider homeopathy is your birthright.

Work on it.

I will tell you something very interesting about the word allopathy.

Many people wouldn't know this.

The word allopathy never existed before the year 1796.

It was called orthodox medicine or old-fashioned medicine.

That is the time, in 1796, the founder of homeopathy would introduce the system of homeopathy, and in order to distinguish his new system of homeopathy, he gave the name allopathy. to the old system of medicine.

So the word allopathy was also given by the founder of homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hannemann.

It never existed earlier.

So isn't it interesting to know that the word allopathy also came from the founder of homeopathy?

In my view and in my experience, I would say that there was a time around 2025 years back when there was number adequate scientific research.

Which was suggesting that homeopathy was a science.

So it was more of a clinical art. However, in last 2025 years, there has been immense scientific evidence which is there to establish homeopathy as a science.

So as on today, homeopathy is not at all a pseudoscience. It is absolutely a science, and that is proven again and again using all the scientific parameters and experimentations.

A very common question from patients is: How much time does it take for homeopathic medicines to start working?

Well, the effect of homeopathic medicine could be seen in a few minutes, to few hours, to a few days, depending on what one is treating.

In cases of acute conditions, there may be very quick response in chronic In long-standing conditions,

it may take a few days or even a few weeks to see a visible change after the other days.

Is homeopathy an alternative medicine or a complementary medicine?

Depending on the case, it could work as an alternative medicine whereby it can treat the disease fully without using the other systems of medicine.

Or it could become a complementary medicine along with the other systems of medicine, which is used as a remedy to complement the effect of the other system.

So depending on the case, I would say homeopathy is bothalternative system as well as the complementary system of medicine.

And it all depends on the attending physician who decides, for a given case, how it is to be utilized.

Can homeopathy alone be given to patients suffering from cancer without given surgical or chemotherapy, or radiation treatment?

Well, in my experience, no single treatment alone can treat or cure cancer.

We do not have adequate research suggesting that homeopathy alone could treat cancer.

So in my view, homeopathy medicine could be taken along with the conventional treatment to get the best benefit out of that,

and homeopathy alone cannot cure cancer in my experience.

Sir, I want to know your thoughts about homeopathy and surgery.

Is homeopathy against surgery?

Well, not at all. Homeopathy is not against surgery.

In fact, every homeopathic doctor in India is a physician and a surgeon at undergrad level.

Homeopathy is a separate science, and surgery is a different art by itself, and both are integrated.

Yes, it is true that some of the surgical conditions can get better without surgery by using homeopathy.

However, the end surgery will go hand in hand very well.

Is homeopathy safe to take during pregnancy and for newborn babies too?

Yes, absolutely.

In fact, it has been clinically improved on that and seen over the last 200 years that homeopathy is extremely safe throughout the pregnancy,

right from the first trimester to the last trimester, as well as for the newborn babies.

In fact, there are many clinical conditions for which you requirehomeopathy, especially because it is safe.

And that could really help to get rid of the adverse effects of other treatments.

So it is strongly, in fact, indicated for Mother Center's names.

Why does Homopathy take so long for treating some chronic diseases?

Well, let me first admit that Homopathy does take little longer, and the reason why it takes longer is because when it treats any chronic, long-standing resistant disease, it treats it at a deeper level, at a immunological level, for which it requires time.

Homopathy doesn't treat just the symptoms; Homopathy tries to treat it at an inner level, and that process is little dangerous.

especially for the diseases which are old and chronic and which have been there for a couple of decades.

So it's going to take a little longer.

One has to keep some patients.

Does homeopathy cure all the diseases permanently?

It is a common question.

As a medical professional, I would like to say that homeopathy does treat diseases at a deeper level, but I wouldn't use the word it will cure every disease permanently.

Some of the chronic diseases could get well permanently as well, but not all.

Many cases, many diseases may go into remission, and there may be a very long-standing recovery, but I wouldn't use the wordgetting cured permanently for every disease.

Can you guess what is common among the people that I will mention the names?

Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, Mamta Banerjee, Pandit Ravi Shankar, Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Anand Ambani, Dhiruva Ambani, David Beckham, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramahans, J. Krishnamurthy, Osho, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Boris Becker.

You know what is common among all of them?

They all followed homeopathy as a choice for the treatment.

Wishing you a happy World Homeopathy Day.

Hi, did you know the connection between homeopathy and vaccination?

Well, I call them twin sisters, and there is a reason.

Homeopathy was found and introduced by Dr.

Samuel Hannemann in Germany in the year 1796 and in the same year, Edward Jenner, a British microbiologist, found vaccination. and both these systems of treatment or prevention are based on the same method, what is called as the law of stimulus.

It means something which produces the disease can also treat the disease.

And both of them have a lot of similarities and dissimilarities.

Only the difference is that the way how they are prepared, there is a difference.

Homeopathy is based on the method of using patentized medicine, while vaccinations are based on preparing the vaccines by attenuation.

I hope this helps.

Did you know that no medical system can cure all the diseases?

What I mean is that if you look at the conventional medicine, or what is called as modern medicine, which is earlier called allopathy, or homeopathy, or Ayurveda, these are the three major systems of medicine, and none of them can cure each and every disease.

That is because every system has its own limitations, and the diseases are so complex that all the diseases cannot be handled by one system of medicine.

What does that mean?

It simply means that for the treatment and management of all the diseases, we need to integrate all the systems of medicine to get the best out of that.

So it's always to be remembered that to get the best medical treatment, one is to integrate the the benefits of every possible system of medicine.

Homeopathic medicines are essentially sweet, in the form of some sugary tablets.

So many patients feel that can they produce diabetes, or they also feel that if one is having diabetes, can they consume homeopathic medicines because they are sweets.

Well, my answer is yes.

Homeopathic medicines can be consumed very well, even if you are diabetic, and homeopathic medicines will not produce diabetes.

Because homeopathic medicines, they do not contain the processed sugar, but they contain sacrum ductose, which is a different form of sucrose, and that will not produce any adverse effects in the body.

So homeopathic medicines, even if they are sweet, they are absolutely safe for patients who are having diabetes.

Some people believe that homeopathy works only if you have faith in it.

I would like to differ.

Homeopathy is a science, and it works even if you do not have faith in it.

Because we have seen in a series of experiments that homeopathy works in the laboratory model, in the lab, in the cell dying models.

Homeopathy works in the animal models.

They don't require any faith.

Homeopathy works in cheek embryo models.

And homeopathy also works in placebo-controlled trial where the element of faith is eliminated.

So homeopathy per se is a science, and it does not require to have faith in it.

However, for all medical practices, it is always good for a patient to have some trust, some faith, or some hope because that faith gives hope to the patient and hope helps to.

have a faster recovery.

But essentially, homeopathy could work without one having faith in the science.

Some people believe that homeopathy works only if you have faith in it.

I would like to differ.

Homeopathy is a science, and it works even if you do not have faith in it.

Because we have seen in a series of experiments that homeopathy works in the laboratory model, in the lab, in the cell dying models.

Homeopathy works in the animal models.

They don't require any faith.

Homeopathy works in cheek embryo models.

And homeopathy also works in placebo-controlled trial where the element of faith is eliminated.

So homeopathy per se is a science, and it does not require to have faith in it.

However, for all medical practices, it is always good for a patient to have some trust, some faith, or some hope because that faith gives hope to the patient and hope helps to have a faster recovery.

But essentially, homeopathy could work without one having faith in the science.


Around 70% of the medicines are prepared from plants and herbs.

Next is chemicals.

Around 15 to 20% of the medicines are prepared from various forms of chemicals.

Third is minerals.

Practically every mineral we have homeopathic medicines from.

Fourth is animal products.

Various animal products, including the venoms have been used in preparing homeopathic medicines.

Fifth is biological products, which are inclusive of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi.

The last category is Inquandrables, some invisible substances which includex-rays or ultraviolet rays.

These are the major sources of homeopathic medicines.

There are around 1,500 documented medicines available in the pharmacopeias across the world.


You come across many patients with deficiencies of vitamins, proteins, iron, et cetera.

And homeopathic medicine per se will not supplement the deficiency.

By taking homeopathic medicine, one cannot increase the iron supply or the vitamin D3 or B12.

However, in certain metabolic disorders where the deficiency is because of the problem with the absorption, then certain homeopathic medicines could helphave better absorption of the the nutrients and that's how it could help.

However, most cases will require external supply of some nutrients which are missing in the body.

And of course, it is safe to take supplements along with homeopathic medicine.

Did you know that research in homeopathy in India happens at very eminent scientific institutions, which are government as well as non-government institutions?

For example, Hopkin Institute in Mumbai, they did research on developing new drugs from mycobacterium tuberculosis organism as well as COVID virus.

Research done at Tata Memorial at Trek on cancer and homeopathy.

To find out how homeopathy works, research at ICT, previously known asUDCT in Mumbai, the Chemical Engineering Institution has done research on new homeopathy drugs for pain in animal model.

IIT in Mumbai has done research on nanotechnology and homeopathy.

Research done at Gujarat University on COVID virus.

Research done at Kalyani University, series of experiments on cancer and homeopathy, and many other such diseases.

Research at Mumbai University has worked on fundamentals of potentization and homeopathy at the Department of Biophysics.

Research at Nair Hospitalon developing some new drugs from microbes and checking their efficacy against infection.

Research at SP College has done on anti-cancer potentials of homeopathy.

Research done at Jesse Bose Institute in Kolkata on physics behind homeopathy.

So homeopathy research is done by mainstream scientists across the country.

Thank you.

People often ask me if male pattern baldness, or baldness in general, or Ganjapan, as we call in Hindi, is treatable or curable using homeopathy.

Well, in my experience, male pattern baldness we cannot cure with homeopathy.

We cannot bring back the hair which are lost on the scalp because this is the condition which is not reversible condition and it cannot be reversed, it cannot be cured. However.

Some control on the further progression of male patent baldness may be possible to some extent,

but the cure for male patent baldness is not possible,

so one should not get carried away by such advertisements in social media or any other platform.

I hope this helps people. Thank you.

Many practitioners of homeopathy, they use mother tinctures in their practice, such as Syrijem Jambolium for diabetes, Dr. Shyada Tora, Vikas Religiosa, and many more.

There is no problem if any homeopathic doctor uses mother tinctures in practice.

However, it must be made very clear that the mother tinctures are not homeopathic.

For any medicine to be homeopathic, it has to fit into two criteria: one, it has to be potentiles, and two, it has tobe prescribed on the basis of the law of similarness.

The use of mother tinctures does not match both these criteria.

Even if mother tinctures are listed in the homeopathic literature or books, that does not qualify them to become homeopathic in principle.

I hope this helps.

In this era of IT, information technology, how much do you know about homeopathy?

Did you know that homeopathy is the second most popular system of medicine in the world, as per the WHO?

Did you know that homeopathy is being practiced in over 80 countries in the world formally?

Did you know that homeopathy advanced its use as a nanotherapeutic medicine?

It is a kind ofnanomedicine which is evolving so rapidly.

Did you know that homeopathy has been found to be effective in the chronic and recurring diseases in particular, such as asthma, allergies, psychosomatic diseases, autoimmune diseases, and so on?

Did you know that homeopathy is scientifically tested and there are over 2,000 peer-reviewed publications based on scientific research in homeopathy?

And did you know that homeopathy has been found to be safe for all age groups?

I hope this helps.

People often ask if all the diseases are curable with homeopathy.

In fact, no.

In fact, there are so many diseases which homeopathy cannot cure. I will just discuss and name some of them.

Homeopathy cannot cure cataract. Homeopathy cannot cure hernia. Homeopathy cannot cure hydrocele.

Homeopathy cannot cure large stones in kidney and gallbladder. Homeopathy cannot cure some skin tumors, such as neurofibromatosis or skin tags.

Homeopathy cannot cure large uterine fibers. Homeopathy cannot cure prolapsed discs. Homeopathy cannot cure large cysts in the ovaries and other places, exhibitious cysts, etc.

Homeopathy cannot cure cancers, diabetes. Homeopathy cannot cure large fistula, grade 4 piles, etc.

Homeopathy cannot cure so many conditions, and in fact your doctor should be able to help you decide what is curable, what is not curable.

Hope this helps. Thank you.

When you consult a doctor and take a prescription, you often believe that the medicine alone will do the job.

In my experience, that is not true. Medicines will make a very small change, and it is a partnership between you and the doctor.

A large part of treatment has to be done by your participation. You will have to bring changes in your lifestyle.

You will have to bring changes in the way and the kind of food that you eat. You will have tomake change in your stress factors, your relationship, the way how you approach the stress.

You will have to bring change in your food habits. You will have to bring changes in the way how you sleep, having adequate sleep and rest.

You will have to add some yoga, some exercise, and, more importantly, some meditation in your lifestyle.

All this put together is going to help recover from your chronic disease. Only medicines will not do the job.

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Case Studies

A 10-years-old girl, Ms. M.K. (PIN 21049) consulted at Life Force on 4th May 2013 for the treatment of the Nephrotic syndrome. She was diagnosed with it 4 years back, and she had taken the steroid at the time of the episode. She had developed swelling mainly around the eyes. Despite the dose of P.....Read more

A 51-year-old gentleman, Mr. S.K.A. (PIN: 37076) took online treatment for his long-standing problem of Prostatitis from Life Force Homeopathy on 8th June 2018. In his case history, he mentioned about his Prostatitis, which he was suffering from 2010, was recurrent in nature, and that he was on s.....Read more

A 32-year-old female from Delhi, Ms. S.S. (PIN: 32813) started homeopathic treatment online in July 2017 for her complaints of Lichen Planus. 

She was suffering from the skin condition since the last 5-6 years. She had spots mainly on her hands and legs. Multiple spots were present.....Read more

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