Basic information
01 Name: Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom)
02 Address: 415 Krushal Commercial Complex, GM Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400089. India
03 Educational Qualification:
- Global homeopath: In practice since 1985. Pioneer of Online medical practice since 1995. Launched the first medical website from India. Treats patients from 180 countries, which is recorded as the world record in the Limca book.
- Researcher: His clinic world’s only clinic with ISO 9001:2000 certified clinic with a research wing. He has worked on:
- Homeopathic Pathogenetic trials (Drug proving)
- Developing new homeopathic medicines
- Conducted clinical trials
- Introduced new medicines such as:
- HIV nosode
- Hepatitis C nosode
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Nosode
- Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin
- Hydroquinone
- Cancer nosode
- Plasmodia Falciparum Nosode and many more new drugs
- Cell line studies
- Animal studies: Major research which proved the effects of homeopathic anti-inflammatory medicine in the animal model
- Efficacy studies on plant models, chick embryo models
- Developed Potentiser with scientific parameters
- Designed criteria for analysis of data derived from Drug proving
- A standardized method of preparation of nosodes
- Fundamental research on the nature of Potentization
- He has to his credit granted/pending patents in India, USA, UK, Africa, Australia, and Germany.
- Educationist: He was an Honorary Lecturer at CMPH Medical College from 1989 to 1996. He has extensively lectured, and conducted seminars and workshops in the UK, USA, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Croatia, Czech Republic, Japan.
- Author: Author of four books
- Publications: Many articles in peer-reviewed, international and national journals
- The promoter of homeopathy: Actively involved in promoting homeopathy globally. Has launched over 25 websites devoted to homeopathy information.
- Institutes: He is one of the founder trustees of the Global Homeopathy Foundation. He was an Organizing Secretary of the World Homeopathy Summit, a path-breaking event in Mumbai, April 2015.

Dr Rajesh Shah is a global homeopath, researcher, educationist, author, and promoter of homeopathy. He has the unique strength of working on developing new homeopathic medicines (e.g. HIV nosode, Hep C nosode, Capsaicin, Hydroquinone, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis nosode), conducting clinical trials, training doctors in many countries, and promoting homeopathy to the masses, across the globe. He holds a number of Patents on new homeopathic medicines in India, the USA, Europe, and Australia. He is in the Limca Book of World records for treating patients from the highest number of countries, currently 180 countries. He is a techno-homeopath, who launched the first homeopathy website in India in 1995, pioneered the online medical practice, and developed the first homeopathy mobile App for iPhone in 2010.

Dr Shah has an exceptional strength of having a research base in our clinical environment. He has worked on many new therapeutic molecules; some of them have been granted Patents (in India, the US, Europe, Australia, Africa), while some patents are pending. He is a hardcore researcher + clinician + teacher + promoter of homeopathy. He has been working extensively to examine the therapeutic efficacy and clinical effects of using scientific protocols. Through clinical, scientific, and ethical research, he aims to introduce new medicines which are more potent, effective, and scientifically proven; so that they can be used by doctors all across the world.
He has conducted several Homeopathy Pathogenetic Trials(drug proving) and Clinical Trials projects, which have been approved by the Institutional Ethics committee which functions as per ICMR guidelines. All research projects were conducted considering the CCRH, ECH, and GCP guidance. His recent research conducted at ICT (Mumbai) proved that certain homeopathic medicines are as effective as conventional pain-killer Diclofenac, in an animal model. He is involved in animal studies, in-vitro and in-vivo studies of homeopathic medicines in collaboration with world-class institutes such as ICT (Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai), Haffkine Institute (Mumbai), IIT-B, Nari Hospital, Mumbai University, etc. International standards have been used in conducting homeopathic research. The new drugs have been standardized and have undergone extensive scientific research. The safety of drugs has been established.
He has developed a Potentizer with standardized, scientific force parameters.
ISO 9001:2000 certified clinic with research wing:
His clinic Life Force is ISO 9001:2000 certified homeopathic clinic with an attached research wing, one of the first in the world. There is a battery of experts from different scientific fields who are a part of the Scientific Advisory Board guiding Dr Shah in homeopathic research. A small research team, doctors, and support staff assist his research work. The team has given proper training to conduct the work according to established standards. Some of the projects are conducted in collaboration with other reputed institutes.

i. Preparation of HIV nosode (May-2010)
A new HIV nosode sourced from HIV positive (type I and II negative for other co-infections) was scientifically prepared. The ethics committee, which is constituted and functions as per ICMR guidelines, approved the project. The source material, fifteen-step preparation process, and the standardization concerning viral count, protein profile, pH, and the process of potentization were documented. The HIV nosode in 30c and 50c potencies was prepared. Safety and efficacy were established through clinical trials and homeopathic pathogenetic trials (Drug proving).
ii. Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial of HIV nosode (June-2011)
A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (drug proving) of HIV nosode, 30c potency was conducted using accepted guidelines, ethical approval, and scientific documentation; with the aim to introduce a new nosode in the homeopathic pharmacopeia. Usable symptoms derived from the study.
iii. HIV nosode clinical trial (May-2010)
An open-label exploratory clinical trial in thirty HIV-positive individuals was conducted using the HIV nosode in 30c and 50c potencies. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of HIV nosode in HIV-infected participants in terms of reduction in viral load and improvement of immunological parameters such as CD4 and CD8 count and CD4 percentage and general health parameters.
iv. Preparation of HCV nosode (May-2010)
HCV nosode from sera of HCV type I and III positive (negative for other co-infections) consented donors were prepared by serial dilution and potentization method described in Homeopathic Pharmacopeia. The source material and the preparation process were standardized. The HCV nosode in 30c and 50c potencies was prepared. Safety and efficacy were established through clinical trials and homeopathic pathogenetic trials (Drug proving).
v. HCV nosode clinical trial (May-2010)
An open-label exploratory clinical trial in twenty-six HCV-positive individuals was conducted using the HCV nosode in 30c and 50c potencies. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of HCV nosode by observing the reduction in viral load from baseline and general health parameters.
vi. Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial of HCV nosode (June-2011)
A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (drug proving) of HCV nosode, 30c potency was conducted using accepted guidelines, ethical approval, and scientific documentation; with the aim to introduce a new nosode in the homeopathic pharmacopeia. Usable symptoms derived from the study.
vii. Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial of CP-010 (Jan- 2012)
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (HPT/ drug proving) of CP-010 was conducted using the accepted guidelines, ethical approval, and scientific documentation.
viii. CP-010 clinical trial for pain management (Nov-2011)
A double-blind, randomized, comparative study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CP- 010 with Magnesium phosphoricum was conducted. 116 patients having sub-acute and chronic painful conditions were randomized in the study.
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of potentized preparation CP-30c potency by measuring the reduction in the intensity of pain using a numeric rating scale (NRS).
ix. Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial of H-009 (Jan- 2012)
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled homeopathic pathogenetic trial (HPT/ drug proving) of Hydroquinone was conducted, using the accepted guidelines, ethical approval, and scientific documentation; with the aim of introducing a new medicine in the homeopathic pharmacopeia.
x. Preclinical study (animal- Wistar rats) to evaluate the efficacy of CP 010 in arthritis (Oct- 2012)
The anti-arthritic activity of CP 010, magnesium phosphoricum was studied in 60 Albino Wistar rats in 6 different groups using positive and negative control to observe the effect of homeopathy medicines on an animal model. The study proved that homeopathic medicines are as effective as anti-inflammatory Diclofenac on certain days.
xi. Preparation, Standardization and in vitro safety testing of Mycobacterium Nosodes (Emtact- Polyvalent Nosode)(Jan- 2013)
Polyvalent Mycobacterium nosode (Emtact) was prepared and standardized using different Mycobacterium strains. Bacterial characteristics, strain, and quantity used, and the process of preparation was documented so that the nosodes could be re-visited and re-developed with scientific validation and standardization. In vivo studies and sterility testing of the nosode.
xii. A method for preparation of Nosode developed:
The old method of nosode preparation required revamping in light of the latest development in the areas of microbiology. A scientific, standardized 15-step method was developed for making reproducible nosodes now and in the future.
xiii. Animal study to see the immune-modulator effect of nosode. (Ongoing)
xiv. Others

Dr Shah is a pioneer of online medical practice. He has to credit patients from the 180 numbers of countries in the world, which is a world record. He has been featured in Limca Book of world records for this achievement.

Being a promoter of homeopathy, he has been using all media to spread information about the benefits of homeopathy. He has written columns on homeopathy as well as articles,
given interviews, in various publications such as Time of India, Indian Express, Business Standard, DNA, The Pioneer, Economics Times, Navbharat, Maharastra Times, Mumbai Mirror, Khaleej Times (Dubai), Mumbai Samachar, Mid Day, Gujarat Samachar, Nava kaal, etc. He has participated in television programs in India, NY, UK, etc. on many occasions.
He was the first to set up a homeopathic website from India, way back in 1995. He has dedicated over 25 websites to promote information on the role of homeopathy for various diseases. For examples:,,,,,,,, etc. He has personally answered over a million queries from patients all across the world for free since a995. He has a team of doctors offering this service at this point. He has developed some self-assessment web tools. He developed the first homeopathy Mobile App for iPhone in 2010.

Dr Shah was an honorary lecturer at CMPH Medical College from 1990 to 1996. He started teaching internationally in 1990, and he has conducted teaching seminars and workshops for practitioners and students in England, Holland, Belgium, Czech Rep., Greece, Sweden, the U.S.A., Ireland, Croatia, Norway, Japan, India, etc. He conducted the workshop at the prestigious International Academy Of Classical Homoeopathy, Greece, headed by George Vithoulkas, in 1997 and in 2017.

- Dr Rajesh Shah is one of the founding trustees and Secretary of Global Homeopathy Foundation, an NGO working towards developing homeopathy. He was Organizing Secretary for World Homeopathy Summit, organized in Mumbai on 11-12 April 2015.
- Dr Shah initiated The Foundation for Homeopathy Research in 1987 and 1990 and organized several educational events, and conducted research. One of the important events was a three-day Seminar with George Vithoulkas in January 1994.
- Dr Rajesh Shah is a member of the following special committees constituted by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH- under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India) in New Delhi.
1. Special Committee for Drug Standardization
2. Special Committee for Human Pathogenetic Trial (Drug Proving)
3. Executive Committee
- Dr Shah is a member of AYUSH subcommittee for Homeopathy, Government of India
- CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) subcommittee for AYUSH, Homeopathy

(First eight articles have been published in peer-reviewed journals)
1. LMHI 2015, 70th Congress of the LigaMedicorumHomoeopathicaInternationalis.“Rio 2015 Homeopathy: Experience, Science And Art” Presentation: HIV nosode: Clinical Trial
2. The 10th CBFH (Brazilian Congress on Homeopathic Pharmacy) and 3rd WIH (International Workshop on Homeopathy) of UFRJ, on August 24th and 25th of, 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Presentation: Hepatitis C Nosodes – Clinical Trial
3. Global Homeopathy Foundation, National Homeopathy Convention: 13 September 2015, Calicut, Kerala Presentation: HIV Nosode – Clinical Trial
4. Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy, Rome 2015, 2ndHRI International Homeopathy Research Conference, by the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI), Rome, Italy. Paper: HIV nosode, a Clinical Trial
5. The 4th Complementary Alternative Medicine Conference, Abu Dhabi Homeopathy Conference, by Lotus in association with Tunisian Society of Homoeopathy 2015. Keynote Presentation on Homoeopathy in skin diseases: Scope and Challenges
6. ‘World Homeopathy Summit on Recent Advances in Scientific Research’, April 2015, by Global Homeopathy Foundation, Mumbai, India. Papers: HIV nosode Clinical trial
7. ‘World Homeopathy Summit on Recent Advances in Scientific Research’, April 2015, by Global Homeopathy Foundation, Mumbai, India. Papers: Introducing Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Nosode
8. ‘World Homeopathy Summit on Recent Advances in Scientific Research’, April 2015, by Global Homeopathy Foundation, Mumbai, India. Papers: Animal study to evaluate the anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity of Homeopathy preparations.
9. ‘International Conference on Multidisciplinary Healthcare’, January 2014, at All India Institutes of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, a paper on “Hepatitis C clinical trial”
10. National homeopathic conference, December 2012, by ‘Homeopathic Medical Association of India’ (HMAI), Kolkatta, a paper on “HIV nosode and its homeopathic pathogenetic trial”
11. International Homeopathic Conference’, December 2011, by LIGA, at New Delhi, a paper “Preparation of HIV and Hepatitis C Nosodes”
12. European Homeopathy Conference, May 2010, in Riga, Latvia, a paper on “Standardization and preparation of Homeopathic nosode: HIV nosode and Hep C nosode”

1. ‘Central Council of Research in Homeopathy’, CCRH, regional conference, September 2013, Mumbai, “Challenges in the treatment of Skin diseases”
2. ‘European Homeopathic Conference’, May 2011, in Riga, Latvia, a paper on “HIV nosodes: New method, new nosode”
3. ‘A day with Dr Rajesh Shah’, a seminar in Cochin, Kerala, August 2013
4. ‘What should pediatricians know about homeopathy?’, a talk to pediatricians at Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, February 2014
5. ‘Patents in Homeopathy’, at talk to CCRH researchers, September 2-013, New Delhi
6. ‘Homeopathy for Japan’, two days seminar in Tokyo, April 2000
7. ‘Practice of Homeopathy’, two days workshop for international homeopaths, at International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Alonissos, Greece, 1998
8. Seminars in the UK (Many seminars between 1990 to 2000)
9. Many Seminars and workshops in the USA (New York, Pittsburg, Denver), Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, Japan, India (Between 1990 to 2000)

i. Urticaria and its Homeopathic Treatment, 2008
ii. Lichen Planus and it's Homoeopathic Treatment, 2003
iii. My Experiences with FerrumMetallicum, 1992
iv. Vitiligo treatment (January 2014)
v. Phenomena and Facets: A new approach to Homeopathic Prescribing (2018)

Dr Shah’s research work in the area of new drug discovery has led him to IPR (Intellectual Property Rights). He has to his credit, probably the highest number of Patents that any homeopathy doctors may be held in the world; some of them include patents for HIV nosode, Hep C nosode, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis nosode, etc. He has granted and pending Patents in India, the USA, Europe, Australia, and Africa for several new homeopathic medicines which he has researched and introduced in the profession.

i. “Star Entrepreneur Award” for ”Making Innovation Work in Today’s Times” by Indira International Innovation Summit, under the care of Indira group of Engineering and Management colleges (2009)
ii. “International Status Award” by Economic Growth Society of India, for excellent performance and outstanding contribution to the progress of the nation and worldwide. (2009)
iii. “Bhartiya Chikitsak Ratna Award” by Center of Educational Development Research, Pune for National Economic Growth through Individual Contribution. (2010)
iv. "Independent Researcher Award' from the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, by the hands of Vice President of India, on 10th April 2018 for developing Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Nosode
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)