- Promoting, practicing, and teaching scientific homeopathy
- Documenting every case and generating statistics
- Clinical research, research on new molecules, and clinical trials
- Case evaluation using the conventional medicine system
Homeopathy has received criticism time about its non-scientific nature. Well, there can be a big debate on this issue. However, Dr Shah has always believed in what he called the practice of scientific homeopathy.
Homeopathy is a science and the practice of homeopathy has to be scientific.
Dr Shah's practice since 1985 has been based on his strong medical background and excellent training in conventional medical subjects. As a result, he has tremendous clarity as to what is curable what is not. His opinions on the curability of various diseases based on the understating of underlying pathology may be considered final in homeopathy.
Unfortunately, the practice of homeopathy in all parts of the world may not be as per the scientific methods. In many countries including the UK, USA, it is not mandatory for homeopaths to have a medical background. As a result, many homeopaths have messed up the practice of homeopathy, by going astray; by deviating from sound principles. Lately, fanciful concepts related to dreams and over-stretching of mental symptoms have been used in homeopathic practice, which is a clear deviation from scientific homeopathy.
In the last twenty years, many developments have happened in the area of scientific homeopathy. Many molecular biologists, chemists, physicists, and pharmacologists have researched, and have arrived at conclusions that homeopathic medicine is a form of a nano-pharmacological system having effects that are documented in in-vitro models, animal models as well as in placebo-controlled human trials.
Dr Rajesh Shah has written many articles criticizing the unscientific elements in the practice of homeopathy; which have been largely appreciated by experts the world over.
How to find a qualified homeopath?
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)