Vitiligo on Genital Parts (Penis, Vulva, Labia) and around the anus

Vitiligo can affect anybody's parts, including private parts such as the skin of the scrotum, penis, and glans in males and the vulva, vagina, and labia in females.
The genitals affected by vitiligo fall in the ‘mucocutaneous’ category, where skin and mucus membrane meet. This variety of vitiligo is difficult to cure. One has to work on controlling the spread. In any case, vitiligo on genitals is the safest place to have it, in the opinion of Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD.
Patients having vitiligo on genitals or around the anus of the perineum need not worry as long as it remains stable, as it is the most harmless condition.
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Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)