Vitiligo on Abdomen (Stomach) and Back
Vitiligo spots could appear randomly on any part of the body. There is no predictable pattern. They could be of any size, shape, or number..gif)
Vitiligo spots on the abdomen (stomach) or on the back are often considered 'a safe zone’ by patients because they are not easily visible to outsiders.
Vitiligo on the abdominal skin, neck, or back is usually on the soft skin areas except those on the skin over the spine, which are bony areas. We have observed that vitiligo over bony regions is relatively more difficult to treat.
Vitiligo spots on the abdomen, if not too large, respond well to the treatments. They also respond to phototherapy. The challenge comes if the vitiligo spots in these areas are very large.

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Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)