Vitiligo is one of the most innocent diseases
Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.
After examining very closely over 9000 cases of vitiligo (by 2019), I would like to share some thoughts with the patients and the relatives (especially the parents) who may be overly concerned about the disease.
Most patients and parents, especially those who attach undue social significance to the altered look of the skin due to the depigmented patches, must realize some points about which they possibly did not think earlier:
01 Vitiligo is the only skin disease that does not itch, pain, or give any sort of physical discomfort.
02 Vitiligo belongs to the group of diseases called auto-immune diseases. Some of the auto-immune diseases are diabetes, cancer, hypothyroid, alopecia areata (patchy hair loss), lichen planus, etc. Vitiligo is the mildest of all the above-stated auto-immune diseases.
03 Vitiligo is a chronic disease belonging to the group of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension, migraine, Parkinson's disease, brain disease, paralysis, ulcerative colitis, cancer, etc. Those who have vitiligo instead of other chronic diseases must feel happy that they were saved from other disabling chronic diseases.
04 In a study at our center, we have observed that most cases of vitiligo have a family history of one or more of the autoimmune diseases such as hypothyroid, Cancer, Diabetes, alopecia areata, hypertension, or such disease, denoting that the patient could have suffered from the harsher disease than vitiligo.
Patients who suffer from vitiligo should familiarize themselves with the above facts, which can convince them truly of the fact that vitiligo is the most innocent disease and it is better to have vitiligo than any of the above-stated diseases.

Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)