Vitiligo on Forearms, Elbows, and Shoulders
Vitiligo spots could appear randomly on any part of the body. There is no predictable pattern. They could be of any size, shape, or number.
Vitiligo, affecting only one side of the body or affecting both sides at the same place (symmetrical), are two different varieties.
Vitiligo on forearms, if only scattered and small spots can be treated with success. If vitiligo patches are large and/or on both sides of the body, such as both wrists or both elbows, it is difficult to cure completely. Elbows are bony surfaces, which pose difficulty in achieving complete pigmentation.
Vitiligo on the upper arms and shoulders, if not large, can be treated with good results.

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Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)