Case-8: Relief in pain and other ailments with homepoathy

Osteoarthritis in KneesSixty eight years old Mr. D. P. S. (Patient Identification Number - 8335) visited our clinic on 14th September 2012 after 5 years. Previously in 2006, he had taken treatment for heel, knee and shoulder pain, acidity and frequent colds for which he was treated successfully. Patient revisited after 5 years with complaint of osteoarthritis of both the knee joints. He had pain and stiffness of both the knee joints, which were worsened by exertion like climbing stairs etc. He also complained of backache along with stiffness and when investigated the scans showed inter vertebral disc spaces between vertebrae L2 and L3 had reduced. He also complained of pain in both the ankles, which had started recently. It was explained to the patient that these were age related changes in his body for which homeopathy can help to prevent further deterioration and help in treating the pain with homeopathic medications. He was taking conventional medication to relieve his pain.

He was also suffering from diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was taking conventional medication for these complaints. He was a vegetarian. He liked eating sweet as well as salty food. He had no particular dislikes. His thirst, urine, perspiration and bowel movements were normal. He used to smoke 4 cigarettes daily since past 12 years.

He was retired businessman. He had his own printing press. His wife was principal of school. His son was settled in United States and daughter was married and settled in Dubai. He was short tempered by nature. He was ambitious and had leadership qualities. His anger had mellowed down with his age.

He had suffered from one episode of facial palsy due to stress 6 years back. He was treated with conventional medication for the same. Dr. Shah prescribed him research-based medication after studying his case in detail.

Patient visited on 13th December 2012. He reported mild improvement in his left knee pain. He reported around 20% improvement. The pain in right knee and ankle were the same. Patient reported right shoulder stiffness since 1 week. It was diagnosed as frozen shoulder. Backache was the same.

Patient reported on 5th March 2013. His pain and stiffness in left knee had reduced around 50%. His right shoulder was improving considerably. His pain in ankle had reduced around 25%. His backache was the same.
Patient reported on 12th June 2013. There was considerable improvement in his backache. Rest of his complaints had further mild improvement.

Patient visited on 13th September 2013.There was no further improvement in his symptoms. Dr. Shah enhanced his prescription after evaluating his entire case details.

Patient visited on 6th December 2013. He was happy to report remarkable improvement. His knee pain, ankle pain and shoulder pain had improved around 80%. His backache was around 60% better.

He is still continuing the treatment for further recovery. He was confident regarding the treatment working for him as in past and was grateful to Dr. Shah.

Uploaded by Dr. I. R. on 13th February 2014.

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