Urticaria Homeopathy Treatment and Its Medicine Details
What Is Urticaria?
Urticaria, which is popularly called hives, is a common skin rash that results due to several factors, such as stress, consumption of certain foods, certain medications, and various infections. It causes big, red, itchy rashes or skin-coloured welts that affect your skin, causing discomfort. Usually, urticaria goes away on its own; however, following effective urticaria treatment is highly beneficial in alleviating its symptoms and providing you great relief from the condition. Some people also experience recurrence of the condition or complaints of hives lasting for greater than six weeks. So, you need to treat it effectively.
The treatment for chronic urticaria requires to be addressed at the very root of the disease. Urticaria being an immunological disorder, the treatment must target the correction of the immune system in such a way that the hypersensitivity behind urticaria is taken care of and the body does not react the way it does with the disease of urticaria.
Anti-histamines offer symptomatic relief from urticaria. However, they work superficially, without addressing or correcting the underlying immunity problem. So the effect of an antihistamine stays for a short period of eight to ten hours, and you need it almost daily. Similarly, cortisone, when used for urticaria, works instantly but it is habit-forming and it has its own challenge in terms of adverse effects and, more importantly, dependency. Chronic urticaria dependent on the use of cortisone is more difficult to treat over a period of time.
Homeopathy offers research-proven and effective treatment for Chronic and Recurrent Urticaria. Patients with chronic urticaria are almost always put to the mercy of lifelong use of antihistamine medicines or cortisone by regular doctors. Once started, it becomes almost impossible to stop it even for a couple of days. You need urticaria treatment, which is more than just antihistamines. That is homeopathy.
The Homeopathy Treatment

The homoeopathic treatment for Chronic Urticaria is promising. It is much more advanced and more scientific, as it is not aimed at relieving the symptoms but to treat the disease at the immunological level. The urticaria treatment plans with homeopathy are designed in such a way to act towards correcting the immune system, in turn treating Urticaria from within.
Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D., has researched Chronic Urticaria for over 35 years. His unique treatment protocol is made available to patients of Urticaria worldwide. At this point, there are patients from 180 countries under Dr Shah's care, which has been a world record.
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Duration of Urticaria Treatment
The total length of urticaria treatment varies from case to case, depending on the following factors:
- Duration of urticaria
- Allergic or non-allergic nature
- The extent of spread (Mild, moderate, or severe). Cases with frequent attacks of Angioedema are more difficult to treat.
- Current and past medicines (Antihistamines or cortisone)
- General health and associated diseases
One may expect a definite change in about one to three months in chronic cases. Acute cases generally show results in hours. The total length of medication for Chronic Urticaria may be anything between four to eight months or longer.
Why homeopathy for Urticaria?
The major benefits of homeopathy could be summarized as under:
- It offers excellent treatment, which has a success rate of over 80 to 85%.
- It offers immuno-correction, hence giving deep-level healing.
- Urticaria treatment with homeopathy offers a long-lasting cure instead of temporary relief.
- It is absolutely harmless, safe, and non-toxic.
As established earlier, urticaria is nothing but an external expression of internal, immunological disturbance. It also implies that the urticaria treatment should also be based on inner-level consideration. It just cannot be asymptomatic eradication of the urticaria rash. The homoeopathic treatment is precisely based on a similar philosophy.
The homeopathy system does not believe in treating urticaria superficially merely with some anti-histamines or steroids.
The Homeopathic Approach: As a rule, homeopathy never looks at urticaria as a local disease. Urticaria has been considered a local expression of a systemic disturbance. As per classical homeopathy, we believe in constitutional prescribing. This calls for an individual case study in every case of urticaria.
4 Helpful Diet Tips To Follow When Suffering From Urticaria
Your diet has great significance when you are suffering from hives. So, you need to follow certain crucial diet tips during urticaria treatment.
1. Include Vitamin C Rich Foods In your Diet
Eating vitamin C-rich foods helps boost your immunity and increases the formation of white blood cells in your body. This is highly beneficial in destroying the virus and other microbes that make you suffer from urticaria, promoting quick recovery, and preventing the risk of hive outbreaks in the future. So, include blackberries, grapefruit, cherries, papayas, cantaloupe, and other vitamin C-rich foods in your regular diet during urticaria treatment.
2. Eat Vitamin B Rich Foods
Including vitamin B food sources in your diet is highly beneficial in alleviating the stress and anxiety that cause urticaria. Vitamin B foods contain serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that reduces your stress significantly, which helps minimize the occurrence of hive outbreaks resulting from stress. So, add lettuce, whole grains, like oats, barley, wheat, nuts, like hazelnuts, almonds, cabbage, spinach, and other foods containing vitamin B.
3. Add Vitamin E Rich Foods To Diet
Vitamin E is highly effective in increasing your immunity to combat viruses and bacteria that make you suffer from urticaria. Also, it helps boost the circulation of blood to your skin, making various crucial nutrients, such as vitamins, oxygen, and minerals, available to your skin. So, make sure you eat vitamin E-rich foods, such as kelp, pumpkin seeds, fresh spinach, and kale, when suffering from urticaria.
4. Avoid Foods Inducing Urticaria
While following urticaria treatment, you need to avoid eating foods that release or contain histamine and cause urticaria. So, make sure you avoid eating seafood, shellfish, tomatoes, chocolates, corn, egg whites, alcohol, fermented food, and other foods releasing histamine.
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4 Health Tips To Follow When Suffering From Urticaria
Along with effective urticaria treatment, you need to follow certain effective health tips for quick relief. Some of the important health tips to follow to minimize discomfort due to hives are as below.
1. Soothe Your Skin
When you suffer from urticaria, you need to soothe your skin. Using cool compresses helps your blood vessels to shrink and minimize the swelling resulting due to hives.
2. Avoid Scratching
Dry skin resulting from urticaria can turn itchy, thereby tempting you to scratch it. However, you need to avoid scratching your affected skin, as it can aggravate the condition. So, even though you are following urticaria treatment, make sure you control scratching. Instead, moisturize your dry skin. Going for frequent baths can help minimize itching and discomfort.
3. Go For Yoga And Meditation
Stress can worsen your condition when suffering from urticaria. So, while having urticaria treatment, you also need to follow effective stress-relieving techniques that help you relax. Practice meditation, yoga exercises, and deep breathing on a regular basis. Also, acupuncture can help you get great relief when suffering from chronic hives.
4. Wear Loose Clothes
Your skin may suffer constant pressure and friction when you wear tight clothes. So, avoid wearing tight clothes, fitting shoes, and tight belts. Choose to wear lightweight, loosely fitting clothes of soft fabrics.
Side-Effects Of Other Treatments
Homoeopathic treatment for urticaria is completely safe without any side effects. However, other urticaria treatments may have some side effects on your health. Some of them are as below.
- Antihistamine Pill: Having antihistamine pills to get relief from urticaria can make you feel sleepy.
- Histamine Blockers: Going for injections or oral doses of histamine blockers as urticaria treatment can make you suffer from various adverse effects, such as digestive problems, headaches, and discomfort.
- Anti-inflammation Medications: Anti-inflammation medicines, such as corticosteroids, can cause serious side effects, such as weakening your healthy immune system and catching or aggravating an infection.
- Cyclosporine: Even though cyclosporine helps you have great relief from chronic hives, it can cause several adverse effects, such as nausea, the risk of getting an infection, headache, and reduced functioning of the kidney.
3 Prevention Tips For Urticaria
Even though you might be following effective urticaria treatment, you should follow certain prevention tips to avoid the onset or recurrence of hives. Some of the effective prevention tips are as follows:.
- Avoid Triggers: In most cases, urticaria relapses due to some allergic reaction to allergens. Allergens can be anything that you inhale, eat, or drink. So, first, figure out the trigger for your urticaria discomfort and make sure you strictly avoid it.
- Keep Stress Away: Stress is one of the significant causes of urticaria. So, you need to avoid stress-causing situations, follow a new way of thinking, and nurture different attitudes to keep stress at bay.
- Avoid Excess Heat: At times, excess heat can make you suffer from urticaria. Extremely vigorous exercises and a lot of physical exertion can cause an increase in your body heat and make you perspire a lot, ultimately resulting in hive outbreaks. So, make efforts to maintain your body cool.
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Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)