Cortisone: Not a real solution for Urticaria

Urticaria: About the use and misuse of Cortisone (steroids) for Urticaria

Cortisone is no longer effective as a long-term treatment for Urticaria

  • Cortisone may help initially for a short time
  • Cortisone leads to a relapse of Urticaria on stopping its use
  • Cortisone-treated relapse is more severe and more complex
  • Cortisone-treated urticaria is more difficult to treat
  • It is wise to avoid steroids during any stage of Urticaria
  • Steroid puts you in the vicious cycle of dependency
  • Steroid dependents have to come out of the vicious cycle

In our experience and as per the medical philosophy of homeopathy, cortisone in any form (oral, systemic, or local) is not a wise option for treating urticaria. As per the homeopathic approach and the philosophy, cortisone is a suppressing measure and there are all chances of relapse after stopping the use of cortisone.

It has been observed in daily practice that the use of cortisone produces dramatic results initially. However, its influence is quite superficial, as the eruptions not only relapse after stopping the Cortisone, but they relapse more aggressively. The use of cortisone is not recommended due to the following observations:

01 It helps only superficially and temporality

02 Stopping of the steroids eventually leads to the reappearance of eruptions

03 The eruption, which relapses after the use of steroids, are more resistant than before

04 The extent of eruptions increase after stopping the steroids in most cases

05 Cortisone produces side effects by hampering immunity, lowering resistance, disturbing the hormonal cycle, etc.

Video on Urticaria

(This patient shares his unpleasant experience with the abuse of cortisone for urticaria. He had gained 10 kg of weight, and no cure! He was prescribed cortisone by the conventional doctor before he approached us for homeopathic treatment.)

Let us talk a bit more about suppression with cortisone. As we understand, Urticaria is just an expression of some inner disharmony. Cortisone simply masks the eruption without treating the inner cause. Such a measure is understood to be suppressive. Homeopathy is against any use of local cream for treating any skin disease in general and Urticaria in particular. Non-suppressive treatment is considered superior to any medical disorder.

Adverse effects of Cortisone   -  Urticaria Curability Test   -   More about Homeopathy

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Urticaria Case Studies

A 53-year-old male patient from Mumbai, Mr. J. H. (PIN: 25706) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaint of Urticaria on 16th May 2015.

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A 47-year-old male patient, Mr. Aryan (name changed) (PIN: 25706) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of his Chronic Urticaria on 16th May 2015.

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A 23-year-old male patient, Mrs. M.P. (PIN: 39092) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for his complaint of urticaria in January 2019.

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