Homeopathic Treatment and Cure for Lichen Planus
What Is Lichen Planus?
Lichen planus is an inflammatory skin condition that affects you when your own immune system happens to attack your skin cells or the mucous membranes. Some of the common symptoms of Lichen Planus are itchy skin, flat-topped purple or pink lesions appearing on the legs and arms, and non-infectious polygonal skin rash. If your mucous membranes are affected by Lichen Planus, then you may suffer from white patches and painful sores in the mouth or genitals. Lichen planus can affect various parts of your body, such as the scalp, nails, mouth, and genitals, causing discomfort. Usually, the discomfort due to this inflammatory condition fades away on its own. However, it is always better to seek the right homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus to alleviate your discomfort substantially.
Though Lichen planus appears on skin, mouth, genitals, nails, or scalp, its roots are found in the immune system, which is governed by some genetic factors. It means that the Lichen planus treatment needs to be aimed at correcting or improving the immune system. If this is done, the disease would be treated or cured for a long time. If the treatment is done superficially by applying cortisone or such immunosuppressive medicine, the disease will get elevated superficially only to resurface as soon as the effect of the medicine is over.
Homeopathy treatment for Lichen Planus offers research-proven and highly effective treatment that has been scientifically documented. Contrary to the conventional treatment, which is governed by the use of cortisone, homeopathic treatment is amazingly curative, safe, and longer-lasting. At Life Force, we have researched Planus for over two decades.
Homeopathy Treatment for Lichen Planus:
The homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is based on the individual case study of the patient's disease, its cause, its spread, the area affected, the genetic tendency, mindset, etc. The treatment plans thus designed are addressed towards correcting the immune system, in turn treating Lichen Planus from within.
Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D., has researched Lichen Planus since 1985. His research-based molecules have US and European patents granted as well as pending. His unique lichen planus homeopathy treatment protocol is made available to the patients of Lichen Planus the world over. At this point, there are patients from 180 countries under Dr. Shah's care, which has been a world record. Lichen Planus cure is now possible.

The duration of treatment:
The total length of Homeopathy treatment for Lichen Planus varies from case to case, depending on the following factors:
- Duration of Lichen Planus
- Areas affected (Skin, mouth, genitals, nails, scalp)
- The extent of spread (Only skin or only mouth or skin with the mouth, a combination of parts, etc)
- Previous medication (Extensive use of oral cortisone may delay the course of treatment.)
- General health and associated diseases
One may expect a definite change in about three to five months, depending on the extent. The total length of medication may be anything between six months and two years or longer.
Why homeopathy for Lichen Planus?
The major benefits of homeopathy for Lichen Planus treatment could be summarized as under:
- It offers excellent treatment, which has a success rate of over 85%
- It offers immuno-correction, hence giving deep-level healing.
- It offers a long-lasting cure instead of a temporary one.
- It is absolutely harmless, safe, and free from any toxic effects.
Is the treatment (and its duration) different if Lichen Planus affects skin, mouth, and genitals?
Well, the scope of improvement and the time required for the homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus also depend on its location. Experience shows that LP on the skin is relatively easy to treat, as compared to one in the mouth or genitals. If one has it on the mouth, genitals, and skin, it is all the more difficult to treat. Similarly, it would take longer if it was multi-location. The medicines are relatively different for skin LP or one in the mouth, genitals, scalp, or nails.
Other Treatment Options for Lichen Planus
- Corticosteroid creams
- Corticosteroid tablets
- Immune suppressive medicines
- Photo Therapy
- Antihistamines
5 Diet Tips To Follow When Suffering From Lichen Planus:
While following homeopathic Lichen Planus treatment, you also need to follow the right diet to get quick and effective relief from the condition. Find below some diet tips to follow when suffering from Lichen Planus
1. Add Vitamin B Rich Foods To Diet:
Vitamin B is extremely beneficial for your skin, particularly when you are suffering from Lichen Planus. So, add vitamin B-rich foods to your diet when following the Lichen Planus treatment. Have sesame seeds, green vegetables, whole grain, and pulses.
2. Include Vitamin A in Your Diet:
Vitamin A is highly effective in maintaining the good health of your skin. So, you need to add foods rich in vitamin A to your regular diet when suffering from Lichen Planus. Make sure you eat carrots, vegetables, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, fortified foods, and cereals, as they are good sources of vitamin A. Also, cod liver oil supplements can provide you with the necessary amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D to improve your skin condition.
3. Eat Immunity Boosting Foods:
Make sure you add onions, turmeric, fenugreek, basil, garlic, and other immunity-boosting foods to your regular diet when following the Lichen Planus treatment to enhance your immunity and get quick results. Also, eating foods rich in folic acids, such as green vegetables, prevents your skin from turning dry. Consuming walnuts, olive oil, corn, and flaxseeds also promotes the good health of your skin as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Ask your questions to Dr. Shah's team directly and get an expert opinion on your ailment!
Foods to Avoid When Suffering From Lichen Planus:
Some of the foods that you need to avoid when having Lichen Planus treatment are as follows:
- Avoid eating refined foods, foods containing preservatives, artificial food products, and foods containing an excess of sugar and salt.
- Stay away from foods that may make you suffer from an allergic reaction, such as eggs, various soy products, hazelnuts, and peanuts.
- Do not have caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, colas, and soft drinks containing caffeine.
- Do not go for acidic and sour foods, spicy foods, refined flours, crispy foods, tamarind, and vinegar.
5 Health Tips To Follow To Alleviate Lichen Planus Discomfort:
You need to follow certain self-care measures when following Lichen Planus treatment to minimize your discomfort. Some of the prominent health tips to follow to mitigate Lichen Planus are as below:
1. Have tub soaks:
Soaking your affected skin in the tub for some time can help reduce the discomfort. Add colloidal oatmeal, which is rich in nutrients, to the water in your tub, and soak your affected body in the tub. Later, moisturize the affected area properly.
2. Cool compress:
Cool compresses can help a lot in reducing itching, swelling, and other discomfort resulting due to Lichen Planus. So, you can apply ice packs on the affected skin areas of your body when having Lichen Planus treatment to minimize the discomfort.
3. Avoid scratching:
The inflammatory skin condition resulting from Lichen Planus may tempt you to scratch your skin. However, you need to strictly avoid scratching your skin, as scratching will only aggravate the condition.
4. Quit smoking:
Smoking may trigger the inflammatory skin condition of Lichen Planus and cause discomfort. So, you need to quit smoking when following Lichen Planus treatment to get complete relief from the condition. Also, avoid drinking alcohol.
5. Oral care:
If Lichen Planus affects your mouth, you need to follow proper oral care. Stick to soft and bland foods to avoid the aggravation of lesions. Eat mashed potatoes, soft eggs, and porridge. Use non-irritating, mild toothpaste. Also, make sure you use mouthwash that does not contain alcohol. Make efforts to maintain your mouth as clean as possible.
Side-effects of other treatments for Lichen Planus:
While Lichen Planus treatment with homeopathy is completely safe and harmless, other kinds of treatments may cause adverse effects. Some of them are as below.
- Corticosteroids: The topical application of corticosteroids can make you suffer from irritation or thinning of the skin. If you use corticosteroid cream, then it may cause oral thrush or stomach upset.
- Light Therapy: When light therapy is used as Lichen Planus treatment, it may make you suffer from sunburn. When UVA light is used in combination with psoralen, there is a risk of cataracts and skin cancer.
- Retinoids: The use of retinoids to treat Lichen Planus can cause dry skin, peeling and redness of the skin, and birth defects when it’s used by pregnant women.
- Cyclosporine: It might offer some initial relief. Besides its serious adverse effects, Lichen Planus is most likely to return with more severity after the course of cyclosporine is complete.
Ask your questions to Dr. Shah's team directly and get an expert opinion on your ailment.
Lichen Planus treatment in Mumbai, Pune, and Bangalore at our clinics and across the world through online mode.

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Read more on skin diseases and homeopathic treatment
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)