Lichen Amyloidosis Homeopathic Treatment and Its Medicine

Lichen Amyloidosis is a chronic intensely itchy skin rash caused by the abnormal deposit of amyloids (proteins) in the skin. The lesions mostly appear in the lower leg, particularly over the shin; however, in a few instances, there can be lesions on the thighs, lower limbs, forearms, and back. It is more prominent in males than in females aged fifty to sixty years.
Causes of Lichen Amyloidosis
The exact etiological factor is not yet known for the development of lichen amyloidosis. However, genetic and environmental factors may be responsible for this skin condition. Excessive scratching and constant friction between the skin (Kobner’s phenomenon) is known to cause lichen amyloidosis in patients. These factors often damage the epidermis of the skin thereby exposing the next layer known as the dermis. Extracellular protein deposits on the upper layer of the dermis known as the papillary dermis cause papules and rashes.
Symptoms of Lichen Amyloidosis
Lichen amyloidosis is often associated with pruritus (severe itching) with hyperkeratotic hyper-pigmented rashes predominantly seen on the shin of the lower leg.
Lesions consist of scaly papules (multiple raised spots), mostly red or brown in color, which can merge together to form plaques.
The condition is usually accompanied by other skin conditions such as Lichen Planus, atopic dermatitis, and fungal infections.
In a few cases, there can be bleeding involved due to excessive scratching of the skin and lesions may be painful.

Diagnosis of Lichen Amyloidosis
Skin biopsy and histological investigation is usually suggested when suspected with lichen amyloidosis.
Treatments of Lichen Amyloidosis
The conventional treatment usually consists of corticosteroid creams, dermabrasion and in severe cases excision of the individual lesion, however, recurrence is common. Antihistamines reduce the itching but prolonged use of such medicines is not recommended.
Scope of homeopathy in Lichen Amyloidosis
Homeopathy has a good scope in treating Lichen amyloidosis. As the disease has a tendency to spread; the aim is to control the further progress of the disease and pathology. Homeopathic medicines aim at healing the patient from within by boosting and correcting immunity. Treating the underlying cause is equally important. Homeopathic medicines have the power to control the inflammatory process thereby reducing itching, burning, and any further spread of the lichen spots. Dependency or the need for conventional medicines can be reduced. One should opt for homeopathy at the earliest for a speedy recovery. Lichen amyloidosis is a chronic disease and takes its own time to recover; hence long-term treatment is usually suggested to patients.
Self-care: As friction is known to cause amyloidosis and can aggravate the condition; any scratching and rubbing of the skin should be strictly avoided as far as possible.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)