Lichen Planus: Long-term overview of Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is not a dangerous or fatal disease. Though ill-understood, it has a tendency to be self-limiting. However, its length of time is usually very long, running into years, and it varies from patient to patient. At the same time, it has a peculiar tendency to relapse after some years, maybe two, three, or more.
One of the theories is that Lichen Planus is a pre-cancerous condition. However, it is not yet medically supported by scientific studies. Some of the complications of Lichen Planus include Alopecia when it affects the scalp. Due to eruptions on the scalp and dryness of the skin due to the blockage of the sweat ducts.
Lichen Planus often becomes a medico-social disorder, especially when it shows up in the visible part of the body, such as on the face. It is uncommon for Lichen Planus to appear on the face.
If Lichen Planus remains untreated, it may simply stay like it for a long time or may spread to different areas of the body. If it is treated using cortisone, it again tends to spread to other parts of the body.
If Lichen Planus is treated conventionally using cortisone (or Dapsone), there are three possible outcomes:
a. Temporary recovery
b. Relapse of Lichen Planus on stopping cortisone
c. Spread of Lichen Planus on other areas, even while being on cortisone (Say, from the skin to mouth or genitals)
d. Adverse effects of cortisone
e. Relapse of Lichen Planus after some weeks or months after stopping cortisone, which will be even more resistant (more difficult to treat)
f. Complete remission (less likely)
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)