Testimonial Videos of Patients who got Best Results with Homeopathy Treatment

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Case Studies

A 25 years young patient, Mr. P.G. (PIN 11072) reported to the center for complaints of Tinea corporis. He had ring worm lesions on the fingers, web of fingers, forearms and cheek. He was feeling very awkward due to this in his new job.

He had taken medicines from the dermatologist for .....Read more

A 57-year-old patient (PIN: 43532) enquired at Life Force for the treatment of his complaints of Sinusitis, which he was suffering from for 3 years. Along with sinusitis, he was also suffering from nasal polyp which resulted in a nasal block and, occasionally, epistaxis. His whole respiratory tra.....Read more

A 53-year-old lady, Mrs. A.L.M. (PIN: 42258) was suffering from urticaria since October 2019 and allergic rhinitis for 5-6 years. She came to Life Force on 7th January 2020. She was suffering from episodes of urticaria 2-3 times/day, and the intensity was severe. She used to have lesions of urtic.....Read more

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Results may vary from person to person

Can onion, coffee, garlic, mint be taken if you are on homeopathic treatment?

Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Dr Shah, MD throws a challenge, Homeopathy is evidence based medicine, it works;

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