Testimonial Videos of Patients who got Best Results with Homeopathy Treatment

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Case Studies

A 62-year-old male patient (PIN: 15529) visited Life Force clinic at Chembur in February 2011 with the problem of lichen planus. His palms and soles were mainly affected by roughness, dryness, and hardened skin. Also, he was having some scattered lesions on his feet and a few ones on the forearms.....Read more

A young gentleman Mr P P [PIN 13163] reported to the center for complaints of Allergic Rhinitis. He was suffering from frequent colds since the last seven years. He would get colds every 2-3 days and they would last for a day or two. The cold were aggravated by humidity, curds, sour food, co.....Read more

Mr. R.T 35 years old male (Patient Identification Number- 19491) visited our center on 20th July 2012 for the treatment of chronic pharyngitis.

He had this complaint since 10 years the frequency being once in 3-4 months. The complaints used to last for 3-4 days but since a year the freq.....Read more

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Results may vary from person to person

Homeopaths must have scientific mindset, suggests Dr Rajesh Shah,MD

Urticaria and drug addiction with anti-histamines, warned by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Can you consume tea, coffee and garlic with homeopathic medicines?

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