Homeopathic Treatment for Fibroadenoma
Fibroadenomas are non-cancerous (benign) and harmless tumors that are made up of fibrous tissues of the breast. These are common in adolescents and young women. The incidence of Fibroadenoma reduces with increasing age.
Signs and symptoms
- Fibroadenomas are smooth, round, and easily movable swellings. It is referred to as ‘Breast Mouse’ or ‘floating tumor’ as it easily sleeps away from fingers. The size of the tumor may vary from one to five centimeters.
- It could be single or multiple. Generally, it is painless and may affect both breasts.
- Pain and tenderness (pain when touched) may be present especially before periods and subsides after periods. These cyclical changes are because of hormonal changes. This is the reason why it is less common after menopause.
Causes of Fibroadenoma
The exact cause of Fibroadenoma is unknown. It is because of the cyclical hormonal changes that take place in the body of women of childbearing age.
- Clinical history
- Physical examination
- Mammography – It is the process of using low amplitude x rays to examine breasts.
- Biopsy – Women in their teens do not need a biopsy if the lump dissolves on its own.
Dangerous signs
- The sudden increase in the size of the tumor
- Pain in the breast not affected by the menstrual cycle
- Hard, immovable tumors
The transformation of Fibroadenoma into a cancerous tumor is very rare. Only 0.002-0.012% of the Fibroadenoma convert into cancerous growth.
Treatment of Conventional treatment
- 1) Fibroadenoma can subside on its own.
- Cryoablation (use of extreme cold to destroy tissue) is a safe effective and less invasive method of treatment for Fibroadenoma.
- Surgical removal may be required in case of large Fibroadenoma.
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy is strongly suggested in the treatment of Fibroadenoma. Homeopathy can be given as a baseline treatment in mild and moderate cases whereas it has a good supporting role in advanced cases of tissue changes. The results using homeopathy in the cases of Fibroadenoma are very good.
Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after studying a patient’s complete case history. It enhances the body’s self-healing mechanism (immunity) thus a further recurrence of fibroadenoma can be prevented.
At Life Force, we have treated and documented a good number of cases of Fibroadenoma using homeopathy at Life Force.
The following are the best Homeopathic remedies that can be used in Fibroademona:
1) Phytolacca Decandra: Phytolacca Decandra is indicated when breasts feel sore, tender, and painful, especially before menses. The lumps are hard, nodular often described as stony hardness with shooting pain that radiates from the breast to the armpit or shoulders. The lumps are painful to touch and pressure. The breasts feel heavy, swollen, and engorged particularly during the menstrual cycle.
2) Conium Maculatum: Conium mac is useful when breast lumps are firm and immobile often deeply rooted within the breast tissue. The lumps develop slowly over time. The breasts feel heavy causing discomfort when standing or moving. The breast pain is localized to a specific spot in the breast, the area of Fibroadenoma, and pain is felt as deep and persistent. Along with Fibroadenoma, there may be associated swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit or neck, which are also tender to touch.
3) Calcarea flouricum: Calcarea flour is indicated when lumps are stony hard or calcified, indicating deep-seated induration of the breast tissue. The breast lumps are well-defined, with nodular texture. The pain is better with warmth and is worse in cold weather or cold environments. The gentle massage of the breast may provide temporary relief from pain and tenderness accompanied by Fibroadenoma.
4) Bellis Perennis: Bellis Perennis is useful when one has a bruised sensation in breasts; the breasts feel sore and bruised especially around the lumps with a sense of deep tenderness. One may develop Fibroademona after physical trauma or injury to the breast. It is helpful when breast lumps persist or appear after surgical procedures or operations.
5) Thuja Occidentalis: Thuja Occidentalis is indicated when lumps are firm, irregular in shape, and deeply embedded in breast tissues. Along with Fibroadenoma, warts or skin tags may present on the body, especially around the breast area. The lumps may appear or get worse after a history of vaccinations. The individual may have a history of cystic growth or benign tumors in other body parts.
6) Lapis Albus: In Lapis Albus breast lumps feel hard, almost like stones with a gritty texture. The growth of lump is rapid with a distinct burning sensation around the lumps. The skin over the lumps tends to get ulcerated.
7) Carcinosinum: This remedy is indicated when one has multiple, small lumps in both breasts. It is indicated when there is a strong family history of breast cancer or benign breast lumps. The presence of bluish veins on the skin overlying the breast lumps is a sign of the use of Carcinosinum.
8) Scirrhinum: It is indicated when breast lumps develop post-trauma or after injury. The lumps are sensitive to touch which is worse even with light pressure. The lumps are hard and stony and feel firmly embedded in the tissue.
9) Iodum: Iodum is indicated when breast lumps appear rapidly and are aggressive in their development. The lumps are accompanied by a burning, hot sensation. The breast lumps develop along with swollen glands in the armpit or neck. It is strongly indicated that despite strong appetite the patient may experience weight loss alongside the development of breast lumps.
10) Bryonia alba: It is useful when Fibroademona lumps are hard and unyielding upon palpation. Any movement even if it is slight makes the pain worse wanting for the complete stillness. The pain is sharp and stabbing and may radiate through the breast tissue with movement.

Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)