A Kid With Nephrotic Syndrome Got Rid Of Its Episodes & Steroids In 6 Months With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 3-years-old boy, Master H.R.S. (PIN: 34345) visited Borivali branch of Life Force on 13th November 2017.
He was suffering from the complaints of Nephrotic Syndrome. His had started experiencing the episodes of Nephrotic Syndrome from March 2015. He would suffer a relapse after every 15-20 days. His episode used to start with the swelling on the face, swelling around the eyes, abdomen, & legs, and severe cough & cold. All his episodes were managed by oral steroid courses. He was a very active child. His proteins levels were as mentioned below 

Before Treatment at Life Force:
Albumin (24/10/2017) : ++
Albumin (8/8/2017) : +
Albumin (23/6/2016) ++++

He used to pass bloody loose stools & experience irritability while on steroids.
He had an increased appetite.
Birth History: 
He was a premature kid (born after 7 months of pregnancy). He had delayed milestones & dentitional diarrhea.
In his family, his grandfather had a brain tumor, and his mother & father suffered from appendicitis.
He had a good memory but restlessness behavior.
He had taken allopathic treatment in the past for a year with minimal improvement & some side-effects.
His mother searched for the availability of homeopathic treatment on the internet and happened to visit our Life Force website. Impressed by the photos and case studies, she decided to start the treatment for her son.
After a thorough examination of the case by Dr. Shah, the patient was prescribed research-based medicines for the Nephrotic syndrome and was suggested some proper diet to follow.
He reported after two months of the treatment on 4th January 2018 with a 60% improvement in his condition. He had experienced no episode of Nephrotic Syndrome since 16th December 2017. 
Later, he came for a follow-up on 16th February 2018. Prior to the commencement of his homeopathic treatment, he used to get the relapse of nephrotic syndrome after every 15-20 days. After starting the treatment at Life Force, he didn’t suffer a single relapse to date. His stamina had increased, but his frequent cold complaint had not yet resolved completely. He was off the steroids since 22nd December 2017. Since December, his urine protein levels had been well below the required mark.
The latest follow-up was given by the parents of the patient on 6th July 2018 by reporting that no relapse of the Nephrotic syndrome was experienced since the start of this treatment. He was off the steroids from the last seven months. Urine protein levels were negative.

After Treatment at Life Force:

Albumin (14/7/2018): ABSENT
Albumin (09/04/2018): ABSENT
Albumin (02/04/2018): 1+ (After steroids were stopped)
Albumin (04/01/2018): ABSENT
Albumin (16/12/2017): ABSENT
Albumin (25/11/2017): TRACES

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This case highlights the fact that a well-chosen homeopathic remedy and regular follow-ups can promote a remarkable recovery from the nephrotic syndrome in the patient’s condition. In this case, parents continued to take a long-term treatment for their child, even in the absence of relapses, which helped the patient to obtain great results.
-Written by Dr. Amar Doshi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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