Case-5: 8 years old child was happy to have his normal skin back within 2 months of Homeopathic treatment.
Master SN (PIN 20211), 8 years old boy from New Mumbai, India visited our clinic in Vashi, New Mumbai with his parents. He was registered as a case of Molluscum Contagiosum. His case details were noted on 6th November 2012.

He had pustular eruptions over his groin area (area between thighs, around genital) and around his right eye since 2 months. He had severe itching, pain over the eruption along with continuous discharge from it. He was not able to play, swim, do his routine and was confined to home.
Parents took him earlier to a Physician who could not diagnose the disease but advised to start with steroids. Dr Shah with his 28 years of experience, diagnosed his skin disease as molluscum contagiosum.
Once he got registered all his details were noted in details. His appetite was average. He had craving for sweets and sour food. He disliked vegetables. His water intake was only a liter a day still he used to sweat a lot.
His bladder bowel motions, sleep were all normal and regular. He used to be comfortable in winter season in general as heat would often cause discomfort and aggravation.
He stays with his family that included parents and grandparents. He was caring and affectionate child in family, school and society. He was obedient, easily manageable, shy and mild. He was one of the intelligent children in school. He used to get angry if he was forced to eat. He would shout back very rare. He had fear of darkness and being alone.
He never had any major illness in his past. There was no major illness in his family.
Based on his details Dr Shah prescribed constitutional medicines for him on 6th November 2012. Medicines were prescribed for 6 weeks. On 17th December, he visted with his parents for follow up visit. His mother was very happy and thankful for recovery. When groin area was examined, the eruption was completely gone. Skin was more than 95% clear. There was slight dryness in the skin.
His right eye eruption was also decreased by large extent. His mother said it stopped spreading in first 2-3 weeks and then followed speedy recovery in lesions.
Based on the followup details next 6 weeks medicine with necessary changes in it, was prescribed by Dr Shah. His father was happy as child had started playing, doing his normal routine. However doctors advised not to allow him to go for swimming in view of aggravation.
As seen in this case, there was more than 90% recovery within 2 months. Generaly in such cases initial positive improvement may take 6-8 weeks time but Master SN and his parents experienced substantial recovery in within 6 weeks. Hence it concluds that the response to homeopathic medicines always varies from patient to patient.
(Uploaded on 12th Dec 2012, by Dr. P.D.)