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Case Studies

68 year old female Mrs. N. M. (Patient reference number S2665), reported to the clinic for complaints of sleeplessness since last 2 years. She would frequently wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason and would have difficulty in falling back to sleep again. Her sleep would not b.....Read more

90% Relief In Hair Fall And Improved Hair Density Found With Homeopathy

Hair fall (alopecia) is one of the most common issues affecting both males and females these days. Hair loss can result in low self-esteem and depression in some people. A healthy human scalp has about 100,0.....Read more

A 23 years old, female patient Miss. M.B.H (Patient Identification Number 5860), visited Life Force with the complaint of unexplained weight loss. Her appetite was reduced. She would get tired easily and there was no desire to work. Her weight was 38 kg when she visited Life Force. She did not ha.....Read more

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Treatment for Tumors like Neurofibromatosis, Lipomas & Skin Tags, Can Homeopathy Treat?

Anxiety Neurosis

Empathy and understanding are the keys to embracing uniqueness.

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