What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C Prevelance Almost one in every 70 persons in the US, that is, 1.45% of the American population, is estimated to be suffering from Hep C. The same is true with India and many other countries.

Hepatitis means an inflammation of the liver. When the inflammation of the liver is due to a specific RNA virus that leads to chronic inflammation, it is called Hepatitis C. There are several virus names, such as A, B, C, D, E, etc., that are known to affect the liver, producing Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, etc. In fact, this particular virus has a capacity to induce not only inflammation but scarring of the liver, which is called cirrhosis of the liver. The virus tends to multiply rapidly, hence not allowing it to develop natural antibodies in adequate quantity. This virus is a slow and silent destroyer of liver cells. It may so happen that one may not realize the infection for years together.

After a prolonged state of inflammation, cirrhosis may take place, which may take ten to fifty years. It is a very slow process, if not aggravated by certain food habits and alcohol.

How does one get Hepatitis C?: 

The virus spreads through blood or infected syringes. (Similar to Hepatitis A and HIV infection.) Those who are drug addicts using syringes or frequent blood donors (not using sterile syringes) are prone to catch this virus. Tattooing and body piercing could be a source of infection. Organ transplants and dialysis for kidney failure are other important sources of infection. It is uncommon that one may get this virus through sexual contact. It is believed by most today that steady partners may not need physical protection if one partner is Hepatitis C positive. However, unsafe sex with changing partners may prove to be a source of infection. It does not spread by touch, saliva, air, food or water. Mother-to-baby transmission during birth is possible. However, the rate of such transmission is not significantly high.

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Hepatitis C Case Studies

A 22-year-old male patient, Mr. N.Z. (PIN: 37831) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 29th August 2018. The patient was accidentally diagnosed with Hepatitis C. And, he was asymptomatic.
The patient’s reports on 24th August 2018 were as below.
REPORTS: Anti HCV (24.8.18) - 2.12Read more

46-years-old male patient Mr. N. S reported to the clinic with complaints of Hepatitis C that he was suffering since 1 year. He had complaints of legs pain, calf pain, and neck & left shou.....Read more

Forty-year-old male from Kolkata, Mr. P.M. (Patient Identification No: 21557) visited Life Force on 29th August 2013 for the treatment of Hepatitis C.

He was diagnosed with Hepatitis C genotype 1 one month before. His viral load (HCV RNA) report dated 30th July 2013 was 754105 IU/ml. He.....Read more

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