Symptoms of Hepatitis C

The HCV infection takes years to produce symptoms in those infected with this virus. About 35% of the infected people may produce symptoms, while the rest may not produce symptoms at all. Hepatitis C does not have prominent symptoms in the early stage. The infected individual may experience vague symptoms such as abdominal pain, impaired digestion, loss of appetite, lassitude, weakness, itching, etc. However, these symptoms are so common that it is hard to point towards the diagnosis of Hepatitis C. The severity of the symptoms is not directly proportional to the intensity of liver dysfunction, however.

Patients in the advanced stage may experience more severe symptoms such as yellow sclera, sometimes paleness (whiteness) of eyes, loss of appetite, depression, bleeding from the rectum, bloody vomiting, exhaustion, and weight loss. Advanced stage symptoms of Hepatitis C are those due to chronic inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), cirrhosis (scarring of tissues) of the liver, and/or liver failure.

The patients with acute Hepatitis C present with lethargic feeling, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, body pain, and exhaustion. Objectively, one may observe the yellowness of the sclera (icterus or jaundice, as it is called).

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Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Hepatitis C Case Studies

A 22-year-old male patient, Mr. N.Z. (PIN: 37831) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 29th August 2018. The patient was accidentally diagnosed with Hepatitis C. And, he was asymptomatic.
The patient’s reports on 24th August 2018 were as below.
REPORTS: Anti HCV (24.8.18) - 2.12Read more

46-years-old male patient Mr. N. S reported to the clinic with complaints of Hepatitis C that he was suffering since 1 year. He had complaints of legs pain, calf pain, and neck & left shou.....Read more

Forty-year-old male from Kolkata, Mr. P.M. (Patient Identification No: 21557) visited Life Force on 29th August 2013 for the treatment of Hepatitis C.

He was diagnosed with Hepatitis C genotype 1 one month before. His viral load (HCV RNA) report dated 30th July 2013 was 754105 IU/ml. He.....Read more

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