Symptoms of Chalazion
Patients will present with one or many focal, hard, painless nodules in the upper or lower eyelid. They may report some enlargement over time, and there may be a history of a painful lid infection prior to the chalazion development, but this isn't always the case. Chalazia are often recurrent, especially in cases of poor lid hygiene or concurrent blepharitis.
The size of the chalazion may vary from a tiny grain to a peanut size. Chronic chalazion tends to give a hard feel because of the induration of the tissues. It may produce some pressure effects on the eye lid.
Sensitivity to light and increased tearing may be noted in some cases.
Chalazia are more common in adults than in children.

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On examination findings:
A palpable nodule on the eyelid.
Usually non-tender, non-erythematous, and non-fluctuant.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva is a common secondary finding.
The absence of any other intra-ocular pathology.
Chalazia are usually associated with the following conditions:
Acne rosacea, chronic blepharitis, and seborrhoea.
A large chalazion can cause astigmatism due to pressure on the cornea. This will resolve with the resolution of the chalazion.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)