Homeopathic Treatment For Alopecia Areata
Research has proven homeopathic treatment offers excellent treatment for Alopecia Areata.
Homeopathic Treatment For Alopecia Areata

Dr Rajesh Shah's treatment entails his Patented product along with traditional homeopathic medicines, which give the best possible results in treating Alopecia Areata.
The individualized alopecia areata treatment is based on the study of the patient’s patches, extent, cause, genetic pattern, emotional sphere, hormonal imbalance, and other factors which lead to and maintain the disease.
Dr. Shah has been working on Alopecia Areata for over three decades, and patients in 180+ countries have benefited. The homeopathic treatment goes into the roots of the disease and corrects underlying immunity-related problems; thereby stimulating hair growth.
Duration Of Treatment:
The total length of alopecia areata treatment varies from case to case, depending on the following factors:
- Duration of Alopecia
- Areas affected (scalp, beard, mustache, limbs, other body areas)
- The extent of spread (Small or large; one or multiple spots)
- Previous medication (Extensive use of oral or local cortisone)
- Associated diseases like underactive thyroid, diabetes, and other diseases.
One may expect a definite change in about three to five months, after starting alopecia areata treatment, depending on the extent. The total length of medication may be anything between six months to two years or longer.
Cases of Alopecia Totalis (Universalis) do not respond to homeopathy.
Why Homeopathy For Alopecia Areata?
The major benefits of homeopathy for alopecia areata treatment could be summarized as under:
- It addresses the altered immune system, thus it treats the roots of this autoimmune disease.
- It is not superficial but deep acting, and it offers lasting to almost permanent results in most cases.
- It is absolutely harmless, safe, and non-toxic.
Got Questions? Get answers to all the questions regarding your ailment from Dr. Shah directly. Click here.
The Limitations Of Homeopathy:
- It is relatively slow-acting as compared to steroids.
- It gives no results in cases of Alopecia Totalis (full body hair loss)
- The success rate is not 100%.
How To Get Started With The Treatment?
Dr Shah's online treatment works on simple 3 steps. Please click here for more details.
5 Important Diet Tips That Patients With Alopecia Areata Should Follow
Diet plays a vital role in controlling inflammation in your body, which cause alopecia areata and promotes normal immune functions. So, you need to have a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet when you are following homeopathy for alopecia areata treatment. Here are some effective diet tips that can help regulate your hair loss.
1 Avoid Intake Of Inflammatory Foods:
Make sure you avoid eating animal foods, such as meats and animal fats, as they contain certain acids, harmful saturated fats, and other elements that trigger inflammation in your body. Also, cut down the intake of dairy products, as it tends to irritate and affect your immune system. Minimize the intake of polyunsaturated fats, such as corn oil, margarine, sunflower oil, and safflower oil. Avoid eating fried, acidic, oily, and refined foods when following alopecia areata treatment to get quick and positive results.
2 Have Antioxidant-Rich Foods:
Antioxidants are highly effective in boosting your immunity and reducing inflammation in your body. So, increase your intake of foods that are abundant in antioxidants as they can help support alopecia areata treatment the best. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily, as they are the richest and most natural sources of antioxidants. Make sure you include various berries, fresh tomatoes, and fresh leafy greens in your regular diet.
3 Eat Healthy Fats:
The consumption of healthy fats helps in reducing the inflammatory effects in your body which proves beneficial for alopecia areata treatment. So, include foods containing healthy fats in your diet. Cook your regular food by using olive oil and canola oil. Seeds and nuts are rich in healthy fats, so include hemp seeds, walnuts, and flax seeds in your diet. Add foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, herring, salmon, mackerel, and sardines, to your diet.
4 Increase Intake Of Biotin:
Biotin, which is a crucial B vitamin, is an essential nutrient that helps maintain good hair health. So, add foods rich in biotin in your daily diet. Include fresh carrots, almonds, avocadoes, nuts, berries, romaine lettuce, and chard in your daily diet.
5 Drink Onion Juice:
Drinking fresh onion juice can reward you with great positive results when it comes to alopecia areata treatment. If you are unable to bear the taste of onion juice, warm it a bit and apply it to your scalp gently.
Got Questions? Get answers to all the questions regarding your ailment from Dr. Shah directly. Click here.
5 Crucial Health Tips For Alopecia Areata Patients To Follow
Along with appropriate alopecia areata treatment, you also need to follow certain health tips to obtain quick, long-lasting, and effective results. Find below some important health tips for the same.
1 Exercise & Stay Active:
Performing exercises makes your body release chemicals, such as endorphins or happy hormones, that improve your mood and makes you feel pleasant and positive. So, while following an alopecia areata treatment, you also need to add exercises to your routine schedule. Exercises reduce your stress levels or emotional stress and promote a healthy mind and body. Stay active and stress-free every day.
2 Have Adequate Sleep:
Do not take sleep for granted as sleep deprivation can affect your health adversely. If you do not get enough sound, and continuous sleep, you are bound to get more stressed and this can affect your hair health adversely. So, having adequate sleep daily is a supportive and beneficial habit for your alopecia areata treatment. Have continuous, sound sleep for at least 7 hours at night every day.
3 Apply Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is well-known for comprising plenty of active ingredients that are highly effective in strengthening the roots, shafts, and follicles of your hair. Applying pure Aloe Vera gel on your affected scalp can give you positive results. Apply this beneficial gel twice daily.
4 Practice Yoga & Meditation:
Practicing yoga and meditation regularly helps minimize your stress, promote good health and emotional well-being, and regulate flare-ups associated with autoimmune ailments, such as alopecia areata. So, include yoga poses, deep breathing, meditation techniques, and other relaxation practices in your routine life. It will not only support alopecia areata treatment but also encourage good physical and psychological health.
5 Use Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil contains high amounts of essential nutrients that are highly beneficial in nourishing your hair. So, apply coconut oil on your scalp and gently massage your scalp, head, and hair from their roots. Vitamin E content in coconut oil also offers you positive results and supports alopecia areata treatment significantly.
Side-Effects Of Other Treatments For Alopecia Areata
While homeopathy for alopecia areata treatment is completely safe, effective, and long-lasting, other kinds of treatments may have side-effects that you should watch for. Find below side-effects of other treatments for this condition.
- Corticosteroids: Injection of corticosteroid solutions can cause skin thinning at the site of injection.
- Anthralin Cream: The use of anthralin cream can irritate your skin and cause temporary brownish discoloration of your skin.
- Topical Minoxidil: Topical application of minoxidil can cause exacerbation of alopecia areata. Also, it can cause irritation, itching, and redness in the applied area. You may even experience an unwanted hair growth somewhere else on the body.
Got Questions? Get answers to all the questions regarding your ailment from Dr. Shah directly. Click here.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)