Alopecia Areata Symptoms
1. Excessive hair loss in small, round patches, usually in a short period of time
2. May affect scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard, or mustache
3. Single or multiple bald (hairless) spots

4. Underlying skin usually looks normal
5. Generalized thinning of hair referred as diffused Alopecia Areata over the scalp.

6. Complete loss of hair all over the scalp – Alopecia Totalis
7. Extensive hair loss all over the body – Alopecia Universalis.
8. Scarred Alopecia Areata: Any patch of Alopecia that has a scar formation, as seen in this photo, cannot improve with any medicine.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)