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Case Studies

Mr. T.K. (PIN 4285) was brought to Life Force with an anxiety disorder. He was suffering from severe anxiety since the last 4-6 months.

He was a software engineer with increased work-related stress. There was excessive pressure at his office, and he was facing difficulty in coping up wi.....Read more

14 months old child, Master V. P., (Patient ref. no: L6619) was brought to the clinic by his parents for complaints of Childhood Asthma since 6 months. The child had started getting episodes of colds frequently tha.....Read more

46 years old home maker, Mrs. H. B. B. (Patient Identification Number - 19467) visited Lifeforce clinic on 17th July, 2012. She was accompanied by her husband. She complained of sleeplessness since 2 years. It has increased since 2 months. Her sleep would be disturbed by fearful dreams. With fear.....Read more

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Role of Homeopathy in Underactive Thyroid Treatment Explained by Dr Shah

First visit to homeopathic doctor? What questions to expect, explains Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Anxiety Neurosis

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