An 8 Years Chronic Steroid Dependent Nephrotic Syndrome Patient Recovered With Homeopathy

Nephrotic syndrome is a disease condition with a group of symptoms that indicate your kidney isn’t functioning properly. Here are some of its symptoms

  • Excess loss of protein (proteinuria)
  • Low levels of albumin (hypoalbuminemia)
  • Swelling (edema)
  • High levels of cholesterol (Hyperlipidemia)

Nephrotic syndrome results due to the damaged glomerulus in the kidney, which normally helps in filtering the excess water, that may lead to leakage of proteins. This can cause symptoms such as swelling of certain body parts, particularly in your feet and ankles. Also, there prevails an increased risk of infections.

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome:

Here are some common symptoms of nephrotic syndrome.

  • Swelling (edema) of your eyes and in your ankles and feet
  • Foamy urine
  • Weight gain
  • Tiredness
  • A loss of appetite

It results due to the damage caused to tiny blood vessels, of the glomerulus of the kidneys.

Risk Factors of Nephrotic Syndrome:

Medical conditions that can damage your kidneys: Certain diseases increase your risk of developing Nephrotic syndrome. They include diabetes, lupus, amyloidosis, reflux nephropathy, glomerular disease, and other kidney diseases.

Drugs: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics

Infections: These may include Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, & Malaria


·24-hour urine collection: Urine albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR)

Homeopathic Management of Nephrotic Syndrome:

Homeopathy works by treating the underlying cause responsible for the disease, by considering the constitution of the person. A customized homeopathic treatment helps in healing the tissue damage of the kidneys, thereby reducing the frequency, severity, and steroidal dependency.

Let’s have a look at how homeopathy treated a nephrotic syndrome patient effectively.

A 27-year-old male patient (PIN: 44246) visited Life Force Homeopathy in Vashi on 20th November 2020. He was an Operational Engineer and was suffering from Nephrotic syndrome. The patient visited the clinic with his father.

The patient was asymptomatic and did not present with major complaints. His nephrotic syndrome was diagnosed in 2012, and he was on steroids since 2012. He would experience relapse on stopping or tapering the doses of steroids.

He was talkative, inquisitive, and decisive. He liked traveling. Though he was young at home, he took major decisions. He was happy going. His physical and mental generals were taken. His medical history was also asked in detail. The patient had no history of hospitalization or any surgery. Also, his family history was asked to rule out the possibility of genetic inheritance or any auto-immune disease condition running in the family. His current and past prescription details were updated. He was on steroidal treatment since 2012, and, on tapering its dose, he used to get a relapse.

A detailed case taking was done. His mental and physical generals were asked and updated.

The patient’s appetite was average, and he liked spicy food. He used to drink about 2.5-3 liters of water daily. He would enjoy a sound sleep with no dreams. His stools were satisfactory, and he had no complaints related to urination. He was experiencing average perspiration and was more tolerant of the hot climate. His life space was also asked. He had a happy childhood with a supportive family.

Dr. Shah went through the patient’s whole case history and, after analyzing the case in detail, prescribed his research-based medicine to him. Also, the patient was given the diet chart, links, and videos related to his disease condition.



When he gave his first follow-up on 5th January 2021, the patient informed us that he did not experience any symptoms in the last 2 months, except for sleeplessness in the first half. He had no episodes of protein leakage or the swelling of the face. He was dependent on steroids.

On the follow-up on 23rd February 2021, the patient was better and had not experienced any episodes of protein leakage. His steroidal dependency was reduced.

On the further follow-up on 2nd April 2021, the patient was better and asymptomatic. No episodes of protein leakage had occurred. His dependency on steroids had further reduced to alternate days.

Later, on the follow-up on 19th May 2021, the patient was further better. He had no episodes of protein leakage. His dependency on steroids had further reduced to once a week.

On the follow-up on 30th June 2021, the patient was further better. He had stopped having all conventional medicines. No episodes of protein leakage nor any discomforting symptoms had occurred. He did not experience any relapse of the condition.

Later, on 20th August 2021, the patient was better. His reports were normal. There was no protein leakage in his urine reports, which were normal. There was no protein in the urine.

On the follow-up on 30th September 2021, the patient was overall better. He no more experienced any symptoms nor any episodes or relapse of nephrotic syndrome.

The patient is very happy with the treatment he received at Life Force. He was thankful to Dr. Shah and his entire team of doctors for the treatment and service he received at Life Force Homeopathy. He is continuing the homeopathic treatment for his complete recovery.



This case illustrates the efficiency of the homeopathic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome. Homeopathy treats and controls the disease progression gently and safely without any adverse effects. It also reduces the patient’s dependency on conventional medicines. 

  • Written by Dr. Anjali S., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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