Writer’s Cramp (Dystonia) Homeopathic Treatment
Chronic sustained pain or sudden painful contraction (cramp/spasm) of certain muscles of the hand and/or fingers are known as Writer's cramps.
The patient experiences uncontrolled, tiresome, or tedious muscular contraction that causes altered movements and abnormal position or attitudes of hands and fingers in In Writer's cramp. This disease generally affects one body part.
It generally affects people between the ages of 30 to 50 years, but it can affect any age group, both men and women are equal.
Causes of Writer's cramp
The exact reason behind Writer's cramp is not well understood, yet. It was generally believed to be the result of excessive muscular or motor activity, which may be complicated by a faulty writing technique.
In some cases it may be aggravated by some certain chemical exposure as well as in some cases hereditary tendency may be observed.
Signs and symptoms of Writer's cramp

The chief or main symptoms of the Writer's cramp area feeling of pain and uneasiness while using the hand or fingers for a long time.
The difficulty is experienced by the patients in using the hands, for writing, or for other occupational purposes.
The handwriting becomes changed, sometimes unreadable also, patients generally feel great difficulties due to the change in their signatures, there may be severe pain and uneasiness to write, type or during other occupational works.
Common symptoms include excessive abnormal or faulty movement of the wrist or elbow.
A similar situation can be observed in professionals like musicians playing certain instruments or maybe in the case of typists or in golfers.
Homeopathic treatment of writer's cramp
Writer's cramps find encouraging results with homeopathic treatment, especially in 'not too old' cases. When it is treated in its early stages the chances of complications become less.
Homeopathic treatment works as a muscle relaxant as well as a pain reliever.
Homeopathy helps in the reduction of sudden painful contraction (spasms) and to restore the disturbed functions of the body parts as a whole. Homeopathy is recommended for the cases of Writer's cramps.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)