My son Mst. M.A (Pin: O-19863), was suffering from Vitiligo since last one year. Out of our worry, we contacted a Dermatologist however it didn’t work very well as applying those creams was not a very comfortable thing and there was no change in the spots. We came across Dr Shah’s website on Vitiligo and started the treatment in good faith after reading all the testimonial and case studies uploaded on the site. Within 4 months of treatment I must say that we are very much satisfied with your medicine. We feel lot of changes in my son’s white spot after your medicine. During your medicine we have found over all 30% white spot disappeared. The spot around the corner of the lips and between mouth and nose is showing significant pigmentation. The spot around the neck area has disappeared by 80 % and is not visible now. The spot in between the ear and eye has almost disappeared by 70%. There was no spread in the spots. There was over all significant re-pigmentation found in the existing spot. We found that the white spots which were bright white have turned dull. I am thankful to Dr Shah for having a very informative and patient oriented Wesite and for effectively treating my sons Vitiligo problem.
M. A., India