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    Mr. S.P.V (PIN: 18536) was suffering from Cervical Spondylitis (CS) for 2 years. He would experience continuous pain in the neck radiating to the left shoulder and the left side of his chest. There was a marked stiffness present in his neck area. He would experience difficulty in moving his neck .....Read more

    Mrs. S.J. from Thailand was experiencing symptoms of sudden shooting pain in her left ear that would radiate to the left jaw from February 2018. She began searching online to figure out what exactly is happening to her and came across Dr. Shah's website. She discussed her case with Dr. Shah&#.....Read more

    A 57 years old tall and well built man, Mr. S. K. (Patient Identification Number 17854) reported to the center on 30th December 2011. He was suffering from extensive Psoriasis since past 30 years. He had taken all types of treatment for psoriasis in the past;also Homeopathy as well. He was on met.....Read more

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    Alopecia Areata

    Which Medicines to Avoid in Lichen Planus? Explains Dr Shah

    Lichen Planus and its homeopathic treatment explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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