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    A 67 years old patient Mr. S. S. M.(PIN 12645) visited Life Force on 12th September 2009, with a complaint of Atypical Neuralgia. He was suffering since last 2 years. He was having flickering of right eye and pulling sensation on right cheek. He used to get flickering every 5 minutes, lasting fo.....Read more

    Mr. A.N (Patient Identification Number 10700) was suffering from LP for 1 year. He was having active, purple lesions of LP on legs and abdomen. He would get mild itching on the lesions. Itching would get worse at night and after spicy food. His LP was largely masked by steroid application. He was.....Read more

    A 56-years-old male patient, Mr. S.P. (PIN 28179) visited Life Force homeopathy on 10th March 2016 for the complaint of Meniere’s disease.

    From the last 13 years, he was suffering from Meniere’s disease. Each episode used to last from 15-20 min daily. There was a heaviness i.....Read more

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    Why do people favor homeopathy? Dr Rajesh Shah, MD throws light on it

    Dr Rajesh Shah, MD explains why are some people against homeopathy?

    Role of Homeopathy in Frequent Colds Explained by Dr. Shah

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