A 2.5-Year-Old Baby From New Zealand Recovered From Severe Hypothyroidism Fully With Homeopathy

A 2.5-year-old baby from New Zealand, Ms. A. (LFMPL PIN: 24390) was walking independently, however, since November 2016, she was more hesitant to walk on her own. Even though she was independent to take steps, she preferred to hold her parents’ hands and had broader-based gait. Her parents were worried about her regression in walking, so they consulted a local general practitioner. The general practitioner examined her and found that her weight was low. Her blood tests were performed which showed significant hypothyroidism and nutritional deficiencies.

She had generalized puffiness on her body, and her energy levels were low. The probable cause for her Hypothyroidism could be the absence of intake of iodized salt in the diet. Besides this, according to her mother, the added emotional factor which may be one of the reasons for her hypothyroidism was a recent move to a new house and a loss of Annie’s paternal grandmother and uncle. Also, Annie had witnessed frequent fights between her parents. Her hair growth was always extremely slow, and her hairs were very fine compared to the other children of her age. Her cousin-brother had a parathyroid issue and was on thyroxine for the same. Her mother suffered from goiter, but her thyroid tests were always normal. She was on Levothyroxine 50 mcg 1.6 ml daily.

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The baby’s growth was low on the growth chart and observed to be below her age. She was not growing as per general, normal growth which is expected at her age. Her height was 10 cm less, weight was 1 kg less, and the head circumference was 1 cm less, as per the growth chart.

She had extremely low levels of vitamin D, which made her suffer from rickets. She had difficulty in walking, perhaps, it was due to vitamin D deficiency and rickets, which was diagnosed by X-ray at the hospital.

Her appetite had increased due to her thyroid complaint. She preferred to eat salty foods and always demanded extra salt. She loved avocados and cucumbers. She would turn very emotional with regards to food, sometimes, by crying and pushing food away or ordering other choices. She perspired profusely and, sometimes, her feet would get cold probably due to high TSH levels.

Baby A was a very bright child. She could speak in two languages and could read in two languages.

She had eczema patches from the birth that resolved gradually when she started having solid foods and with flax oil.

Following were her reports before starting the Homeopathic treatment:

Dated: 16th December 2016

-TSH: >100 mu/L (Reference range:0.5-4.5)

-Free T4:3.8 pmol/L (Reference range:11-22.5)

-Anti-Thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) was <1 IU/mL (Reference range 0-5)

Her ultrasound of the Thyroid gland showed her thyroid gland was slightly bulky which was due to dyshormogenesis. The size of her Thyroid gland was normal.

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After studying her case history and details thoroughly, Dr. Shah prescribed CALCAREA IOD 30 along with his research-based medicines for 4 months to the patient.


On 11th April 2017, parents of the patient updated with her progress after 4 months of Homeopathic treatment. Her TSH level was drastically reduced from 100 mIU/L to TSH: 4.9 mIU/L. Her mother informed that she was much happier than earlier and had a lot more energy and spirit. As she was on Thyroid supplement too, it was advised to taper the dose of Thyroid supplement. The thyroid supplement dose was reduced from 50 mcg to 35 mcg.

On 22nd March 2017, her report was as follows: TSH 4.9 mIU/L (slightly high) Free T4 20.6 pmol/L (normal).

After 8 months of homeopathic treatment on 3rd August 2017, her dose of Thyroid medicines was reduced from 35 mcg to 25 mcg and her thyroid levels were in the normal range. Her thyroid functioning was improving. According to Wellington hospital parameters, even her growth was improving steadily.

On 22nd July 2017, her TSH level was 3.7 mu/L (Reference range:0.5-4.5) FT4:21.7 pmol/L (Reference range: 11-22.5)

After 1 year of treatment on 7th January 2018, the patient’s mother informed that she had responded very well to the Homeopathic treatment and that she was off the thyroid supplement and was only on Homeopathic medicines. Her thyroid has been functioning well on its own without a thyroid supplement for over 2 months. All her blood tests were normal with regards to her thyroid functioning. She was healthy and energetic. She continued Homeopathic treatment for the next 4 months and then the treatment was stopped as all her Thyroid parameters were in the normal range.


This case illustrates how both sciences can be utilized without conflict of interest but in the common interest of the patient's well-being. Hypothyroidism can be better managed with Homeopathy. The judicious use of Thyroid supplements and Homeopathy for long-term management helped the thyroid to respond optimally.

  • Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom.)



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