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Case Studies

Mr. D.B. a 56 year old male patient from west Bengal (patient reference number L-11916) was suffering from hepatitis C with viral load of 48,50,000 IU/ml, detected in 2006. He contacted Life Force on 18 March 2009 and started Homeopathic treatment under guidance of Dr Rajesh Shah.

He wa.....Read more


Any Non-healing wound or ulcer on skin that has been present for 3-4 weeks duration, without healing is called Non-healing ulcer.

Causes:Some of the major causes are listed under:

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Mrs ST (PIN no.18502) 59 yrs old house wife from Karnatak registered online in March 2012.

She was suffering from semi circular patches on her palms with dryness, scaling, itching and burning sensation. Dermatologist diagnosed it as a case of Psoriasis. The complaint was from 1 year wit.....Read more

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Results may vary from person to person

Role of Homeopathy in Recurrent Tonsillitis Treatment in Children

Lichen Planus

Homeopathy Treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reduces Pain Intensity & Frequency of Attacks

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