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Case Studies

A 27-years-old female, Mrs. C.D. (PIN 3712) visited Life Force on 12th Feb 2001 for the complaints of recurrent asthmatic bronchitis and attack of asthma which she would suffer for two to three times in a week since her childhood. Her asthma attacks were more during the winter season. She also us.....Read more

This is the case of Mrs. S.P. 37 years old (Patient Reference No.L 5761) who suffered from Lichen Planus of the skin on both her legs, hands, and back for 17 years. She was prescribed oral cortisone along with local steroidal applications by her dermatologist. The disease remained suppressed for .....Read more

A 45-year-old male patient (PIN: 35634) started treatment from Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of seborrheic dermatitis on 10th February 2018.


The patient had the complaints of seborrheic dermatitis from the last 17 years. He complained of sticky dan.....Read more

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Dr Rajesh Shah sharing 28 years of experience in Psoriasis treatment

Cortisone is not the best treatment for Lichen planus explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

Anxiety Neurosis

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