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Case Studies

A 6-years-old boy, S.C.R. (PIN 30302) visited Life Force on 15th Nov 2015 for chief complaints of Asthma which he was suffering from 3 years of his age.

He used to suffer from an episode of asthma every 1 or 2 months. The episode used to start with the irritation in the throat followed .....Read more

Master SHN, Pin no. (25746) was eight years old when he first came to  Life Force Chembur branch on 21st of May 2015. He was suffering from Scalp Psoriasis  since four years .There was dry and scaly patches over his scalp which were progressively increasing day by day. There was severe .....Read more

A 50-years-old woman, Mrs. S. S. (PIN 29278) visited Life Force Homeopathy Chembur clinic on 18th July, 2016 with extensive lichen planus all over her body as well as inside the mouth. She complained intensive itching over all the affected areas. The condition was so extensive that even her nails.....Read more

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Previous use of cortisone affecting your treatment, explained by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD

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