R. K. VADAKOOTE, IndiaA Force that was changed my life for the better that how I would put Life Force in words. Psoriasis since 6 yrs, had taken a hell on my mental and physical state. Depression, anxiety, embarrassment; were things a hade to put up with constantly. I knew I had to do something to get out of the omission and effects of Psoriases. I started treatment in August 10 on the recommendation of a family member I started with a right recitation because I had already tried allopath, homeopathy, naturopathy etc. But they only provide temporary relief, but now, Life Force has really thought about a positive and really strong change in my condition. I am able to go at with friends and family members and enjoying all things I missed for the past 6 years, I would really thank Dr. Anand and Dr. Rajesh Shah and his entire team for bringing about this change. Wish them good luck for the future about this change. Wish then good luck for the future.
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V. Verma, IndiaI have been under treatment of Dr. Shah for last two years for Migraine and Thyroid. My Migraine attacks used to be severe with vomiting and frequency would be at least 5-6 times a month. Now there is a vast improvement. The frequency and intensity of migraine is very less (once in two months). 6 - 7 kegs. Lesser. I take this opportunity to say a "BIG THANK YOU" to Dr. Rajesh Shah and his dedicated team of Doctors. Over all Experience is "EXCELLENT".
E. Y. C.,Texas, USAThe reason in why I am sending you this email is to tell you how I am feeling so far with the treatment you have sent me for the migraine problem. The treatment that you sent me worked just fine. I can actually say that from a 100% of feeling better, I felt 90% better. Dr. I am saying it worked just fine but if you need to improve it so it can make me feel 100% better do it, but I feel just fine with the previous treatment. Dr. Shah I would like to mention just one thing that I still feel, is like a problem maybe still caused by the migraine.. Thank you a lot Dr. Shah one more time and thank you for your time Dr. you have a great pleasant day! E. Y. C.,Texas, USA