Homeopathic Treatment for Meniere's Disease
Meniere's disease is a disorder affecting the inner ear. It causes episodes of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear.
Who Gets Meniere's Disease?
2 in every 1000 people suffer from Meniere's disease. People in their 40's and 50's are most affected. However, people in their 20's can also suffer from this condition. Meniere's affects men and women equally.
The symptoms of Meniere's are variable. A typical attack is preceded by fullness in one or both ears. The attack generally consists of imbalance, vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sweating, and nausea. Though some people can predict the onset of an attack, most people find their onset unpredictable.
The severity and frequency of attacks are variable. Still, an average attack lasts for many hours (days in some) and is followed by extreme exhaustion, making the person sleep for many hours together.
The typical symptoms seen in Meniere's disease are:
- Vertigo
This is a subjective feeling of rotation (either of oneself or the surroundings), having sudden onset and in severe cases, accompanied by sweating, nausea, and vomiting.
- Tinnitus
There is a subjective sensation of ringing, roaring, or swooshing in the ears. Usually, one ear is affected, though it is not uncommon for both ears to be affected.
- Hearing loss or deafness
In one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) ears, progressive hearing loss is experienced. Initially, the lower frequencies are the first to go.
- Fullness in both ears
There is a feeling of fullness in the ears similar to that experienced in pressure changes. However, there is no relief obtained by swallowing.
- Photophobia
Increased sensitivity to light in any form which aggravates the headaches and vertigo is a common symptom.
What causes Meniere's disease?
Studies have suggested the presence of an autoimmune factor in the development of Meniere's disease. The exact cause is yet unknown. The inner ear contains a fluid called endolymph. This fluid is enclosed within a structure of membranes. An increase in pressures within this enclosure causes these membranes to bulge. This condition is called "hydrops". Yet, all persons with Meniere's disease don't present with hydrops. Where the cause of hydrops is known, the condition is called "endolymphatic hydrops" and not Meniere's disease.
A good clinical history supported by otoneurological evaluation and audiometry helps an experienced physician to make a correct diagnosis of Meniere's disease. An MRI is often suggested to rule out tumors of the 8th cranial nerve.
Homeopathic treatment for Meniere's disease:
Homeopathy works in most cases of Meniere's disease. Symptomatic relief as well as a reduction in the swelling of the endolymphatic sac can be achieved. The recurrence of Meniere's disease can be controlled. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for Meniere's disease during all stages.
Here is a description of some commonly used Homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s disease:
- Conium Maculatum: Conium Maculatum homeopathic medicine for meniere's disease indicated the following complaints, vertigo on turning the head, dizziness that worsens when turning the head and changing the positions quickly. Also, the sensation of spinning intensifies when lying down and looking upward. There is a feeling of imbalance and instability and a tendency to fall sideways when walking or standing. Vertigo is associated with stiffness and pain in the neck muscles blurred vision and the sensation of black spots and flashing lights. Vertigo is accompanied by fullness and pressure in the ears. Along with Vertigo one also experiences nausea with vomiting.
- Gelsemium: Gelsemium meniere's disease homeopathic medicine is used for vertigo with blurred vision causing a sense of confusion and disorientation. There is a feeling of heaviness and dullness in the head as if the head is too heavy to hold. The patients are hesitant to walk because of fear of falling. It is useful when there is generalized weakness and trembling in limbs and lack of coordination leading to clumsiness and unsteady movements while walking. The patient is always drowsy and lethargic and feels to fall asleep. The vertigo is anxiety-induced or gets worse with nervousness and emotional distress.
- Cocculus Indicus: This remedy is useful when intense feeling of nausea and retching is accompanied with Vertigo. Vertigo is triggered by riding in a car, boat, or any movement. There is a sensation as if vertigo comes in waves with feeling as if room is spinning and the ground is moving up and down. Vertigo with a state of mental confusion, the thoughts are scattered, and difficulty in concentration. The dizziness gets worse after a lack of sleep or disturbed sleep. There is a constant feeling of light-headedness and unsteadiness when walking and standing. There is increased sensitivity to light, and noise during episodes, symptoms tend to improve after lying down in a dark room.
- China Officinalis (Cinchona): China Officinalis homeopathy for meniere's disease is indicated for vertigo with the sensation of fullness in the head, discomfort, and feeling of pressure in the head. Vertigo with loss of significant fluid loss such as from bleeding, diarrhea, and sweating. There is intermittent ringing, buzzing, and humming in the ears associated with dizziness. Vertigo is associated with digestive complaints such as indigestion, bloating, and gases. There is periodic dizziness that occurs in a cyclical pattern, often at the same time each day or week. There is profuse sweating especially on the forehead and scalp, occurring during or immediately after an episode of vertigo. There is a feeling of mental cloudiness and difficulty thinking clearly during vertigo episodes.
- Phosphorous: Phosphorus is indicated when a sensation of dizziness is accompanied by fear of falling. There is increased sensitivity to bright lights and loud noises during episodes. Vertigo with nausea and vomiting, there is a strong urge to vomit often triggered with movement and position changes. There is the sensation of emptiness in the head described as hollow or spaced out during vertigo episodes. Vertigo with tinnitus with the sound of ringing, buzzing, and whistling sounds in the ears with vertigo leading to more disorientation.
Written & Approved by-
Dr. Rajesh Shah
M.D. (Hom.)