Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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Case Studies

A 36-year-old male patient, Mr. A.G.W. (PIN: 37289) visited Life Force clinic in Chembur, Mumbai on 2nd July 2018 with the complaints of intermittent diarrhea. He was passing stools thrice a day. The patient was suffering from these complaints for 5 years and was experiencing an episod.....Read more

Mr. K. J. P. a young gentleman, aged 30 years (Patient Identification Number - 4403) visited Life Force centre on 5th March, 2012 with some skin complaints.

He was an old patient of Dr. Shah, successfully treated for Acid Peptic Disease, a few years ago. Now since a month he had been ex.....Read more

Mrs. S.A.G. (Patient Reference number: L 5633), 39 years old, reported to us for treatment after a long time, in the past she had suffered from migraine and depression for which she was relieved.

She had been freshly detected as having high blood pressure. She was also suffering from An.....Read more

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