Case-2: Calcaneal spur on both heels responding to homeopathy

A 37 yrs male N.M (L-10709) came to the clinic with complaints of pain in both heels which were diagnosed as Calcanea spur, since 1 ½ yrs. The pain was severe for 10 days. The pain was more in right heel compared to the left. The pain was continuous in nature which was more on walking, in the morning and after sitting for a long time. He also had complaints of Dermatitis over both cheeks since 2 ½ yr with redness and occasional scaling which would increase in morning and in Winters.


He also suffered from gastritis and flatulence since 8 yrs.


He had an average appetite with a craving for spicy food and had a liking for sweets too.

He had a tendency for profuse perspiration. His thirst was normal and bowel movements were satisfactory.


He did not have any major illness in the past. There was a family history of hypertension.
By nature, he was impatient, emotional and had work-related stress.

Based on this symptom he was prescribed with Homeopathic medicines and he did well with the treatment. Within 3 months of the treatment, the dermatitis was better and Calcanea spur was completely resolved.

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