Life Force Homeopathy Patient's Case Studies

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      Case Studies

      The prolapsed intervertebral disc is a condition that refers to the herniation of the intervertebral disc in between the vertebral bones that may injure the outer fibers. Sometimes, it is also called a herniated disc. It is more common in the lower back or the lumbar spine & less common in th.....Read more

      Hidradenitis Suppurativa:
      It is a skin condition that results in the formation of small, painful lumps under the skin. The lumps can break open or can lead to the formation of tunnels under the skin. The condition mostly affects skin areas where the skin rubs together, such as the armpits,.....Read more

      A 66 year old women, Patient Identification Number: 17158 visited Life Force Center for psoriasis treatment on 3rd October 2011.

      She was suffering from Psoriasis since last the 2 years. She had dry scaly patches on both the elbows and ankles. These patches were very itchy and flaky. The.....Read more

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      Lichen planus and cortisone, some thoughts by Dr Rajesh Shah, MD(Hom)

      Symptoms of Vitiligo: Mild, Moderate and Severe Vitiligo Symptoms by Dr Shah

      Is homeopathic prescribing based only on the mind symptoms? Explains by Dr Rajesh Shah

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