Case-3: His life was restricted due to back pain and anxiety. Now he could move freely ...

    His life was restricted due to back pain and anxiety. Now he could move freely ...

    Thirty-eight year old, Mr. C. H. K.(Patient Identification Number: 23210) visited LifeForce on 26th July 2014 for his complaints of backache and anxiety disorder.

    His complaints started in 1999 with pain in lower back. He would experience lower back pain continuous throughout the day on regular basis. He would feel more pain whenever he would sit or stand continuously for three to four hours. He would also experience stiffness in the back mostly in morning, which would remain for ten to fifteen minutes. He would prefer applying ointment which would give him temporary relief in the pain. MRI done in initial days of illness was suggestive of nerve compression between L4-L5 vertebrae.

    He also had knee pain and chest pain along with backache. Blood Investigations suggested insufficiency of vitamin D for which he was given oral vitamin D supplements.

    He was an anxious person. He would worry about his health. He would feel nervous while writing in front of others. He had history of phobia about incurable disease.

    He also had headache, which started after illness of his father-in-law. His father in law was critically ill. Thereafter, he developed phobia of incurable disease. He took homeopathic treatment for the same. However headache remained after that episode. He would experience pain in sides of the forehead twice in a week, which was more severe on right side. It would get triggered after any kind of stress. He would experience a sensation as if rope is tied around his head.

    He also suffered from frequent colds. He would experience it once or twice in a month and the episode would last for a week. The triggering factor for cold would be consuming cold drinks.

    He would prefer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. He had an average appetite and adequate thirst. He would perspire profusely all over the body and was sensitive to both cold and hot temperatures. His bowel habit was not regular and stool was unsatisfactory.

    He was working in a call center at back office and his wife was in the same profession. His father was retired and his mother was housewife. His sister got separated from her husband and used to stay with him.

    His father was alcoholic and had an episode of stroke in the past. His mother had asthma.

    His illness was a major stress for him. He was anxious about his health. He would feel conscious and nervous while writing in front of others. He would get irritable at times but never expressed it.

    With all these case details, his case was analyzed by Dr. Shah and he prescribed his research based medicines.

    After four months of treatment, he visited the clinic for follow-up on 10th November 2014. He reported significant improvement in back pain. The intensity and duration of stiffness in the back was also less. He would experience stiffness for five to ten minutes in the morning of mild intensity. He was happy as felt fifty percent improvement in chest pain and knee pain. He would feel slight improvement in headache though frequent cold didn't show much improvement. He felt better in anxiety. After reviewing his feedback Dr. Shah prescribed him further medicines.

    On 27th February 2015 after further four months of treatment he reported seventy to eighty percent improvement in backache. He experienced significant improvement in his chest pain and neck pain. Stiffness was very minimal. He would get occasional headache in spite of any stress factor. The pulling sensation in the sides of his forehead especially on the right had become quite infrequent. His anxiety level was very minimal and he could handle it efficiently. He reported that his knee pain still bothered him. Dr. Shah upgraded the prescription further.

    On 18th April 2015 he visited clinic for follow-up and reported ninety-five percent recovery from his back pain. There was no morning stiffness at all. He reported complete relief in his chest pain and knee pain. There was no recurrence of headache. He also informed that he was ninety percent better in his frequent colds.

    He was highly satisfied and happy with the result achieved. His life was restricted due to back pain and anxiety and now he was free to move.

    This case highlights the holistic approach that can be attained only through homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines not only helped him in his physical complaints but helped him overcome his anxiety as well.

    (Uploaded on 3rd October 2015 by Dr A. H.)

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