Case Studies of Recurrent Boils-4

Mrs. N. B. S. was an old patient of Dr. Shah who was treated for Atopic Dermatitis in the past. Her patient identification number is 9564. She visited on 1st November 2013 with husband. She had met with an accident a month and half back and hurt her back. She was operated for compression fracture of lumbar vertebrae. She had developed a kind of allergy to the dressing done regularly to the operative wound. Gradually the allergy developed into an abscess. There was itching and pus discharge from it since 15 – 20 days. It was spreading and painful. She was taking antibiotics and other medicines but did not find any relief. She had her faith on Dr. Shah to treat her and visited to start with the treatment.

We have a photo of one of her boils before starting the treatment. The patient was not comfortable allowing us to take a photo again on its full recovery.)

She was also taking her regular conventional medicines for thyroid and high blood pressure.

The surgeon had also prescribed calcium supplements.

She was overweight, sixty one years old home maker. Her husband was a cloth trader. She was staying along with her son’s family.

She was of irritable temperament. She was attached to her family.

She was prescribed medicines by Dr. Shah.

She called up on 18th November for follow up. She had improved around 50% in the initial few days of medications. Since last two to three days new boils were appearing on the abdomen. They were itching. She had been applying the lumbar belt which might have triggered the allergic pustular response on her abdomen. Dr. Shah gave her a fresh set of medicines.

Before After

She visited on 16th December to meet Dr. Shah. The abscess on her back as well the abdomen had healed completely. There was no discharge. She had few mild boil like eruption on ankles since 8 days. They were itchy at times.

She visited on 15th January 2014. The old boils had healed but a new abscess had developed on the lower abdomen. There was burning, mild pain and watery discharge. There was no pus. She took a course of broad spectrum antibiotic from a local doctor but it did not help at all. Dr. Shah upgraded the medicines accordingly.

She visited on 24th February 2014. The new abscess on her abdomen had healed completely. There was no new boil in past one month.

She was glad to get relieved of this recurrent boils with the help of Dr. Shah.
(Uploaded on 26th February by Dr. M. N. P.)


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