Homeopathic Treatment for Boils (Abscess)


An abscess is a localized infection on any part of the body or organ, whereby there is inflammation, swelling, pus formation, and painfulness, with or without other signs of infection.

Causes of abscess:

An abscess is essentially caused by infection, largely bacterial infection. It can also be caused by parasite infection. An abscess may be caused or triggered by a foreign body or physical trauma or injury.

Why does one get an abscess?

An abscess is a sign of the body's reaction to infection or trauma. It is a sign of the body's defense mechanism at work whereby an army of white blood cells starts fighting against the infection or foreign body and leads to pus formation. In this process, there will be inflammation, swelling, pain, and even fever.

Who gets frequent abscesses or boils?

A condition of frequent abscesses, especially on the skin, is a common phenomenon, suggesting an underlying faulty immune system. In such cases, the underlying immunity calls for treatment besides addressing local infection as a stand-alone problem.

Where does one get an abscess?

Abscesses can occur on any part of the body or organ. Some common sites are Skin, mouth, liver, lungs, bones, appendix, mouth, spine, nose, sinus, tonsils, etc. It depends on the individual tendency to catch the infection, which is governed by the genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of abscess:

The most common symptoms are pain, swelling, redness, pus formation, discharge, and fever. Also, depending on the site of an abscess, some symptoms may vary. For example, in the case of an abscess of the brain, there will be neurological symptoms; and likewise. If the infection is severe and uncontrolled, there is a possibility of its spread to other parts of the body. Severe infection may lead to a serious condition called septicemia.

Treatment of abscess:

Conventional treatment: Abscess due to bacterial infection response to antibiotics. In case of an un-ruptured pocket of pus, drainage may be required.

Role of homeopathy in the treatment of abscess:

Acute abscesses of recent origin can respond to homeopathic medicines; however, it may take a little longer than antibiotics.

Homeopathy is best indicated in the cases of 1. Frequent abscesses 2. Prolonged (chronic) abscess 3. Resistant abscess.

In the above three categories, the formation of an abscess is surely a sign of altered underlying immunity, which can be treated effectively using homeopathy.

Homeopathy is strongly indicated for recurring and resistant cases of abscesses. More reading: Case studies of Recurrent boils

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Written & Approved by-

Dr. Rajesh Shah

M.D. (Hom.)

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Abscess/Boils Case Studies

A 68-year-old female patient, Mrs. S. S. (PIN: 24108) visited our Life Force clinic in November 2014 and started homeopathic treatment for her complaints of Palmo-planter psoriasis.

She was suffering from it for 15 years. The lesions of psoriasis were present on her legs, majorly on the.....Read more

A 33-year-old male patient, Mr. N.K.M. (PIN: 41335) came to Life Force for the treatment of his Perianal abscess. He visited the clinic on 12th October 2019 with the severe acute condition of Perianal abscess. He was suffering from its acute episode for 15 days. Although the disease had affe.....Read more

Seventy five years old male Professor R.V.I. [PIN 3893] was an old patient of Life Force. He visited the center for a new complaint. He was suffering from a non-healing ulcer from the last four months. He met with an accident and developed an injury on the left thigh. The wound did not heal prope.....Read more

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