My daughter showed remarkable improvement in her Urticaria within 4 months

Ms YPK (PIN 18147) a 14 yrs old, 9th grade student from South Mumbai got registered in Life Force on 2nd February 2012 as a case of Urticaria. She is a daughter of Income Tax Officer from Mumbai Mr PK. Because of busy schedule Mr PK preferred online consultation. All the details about his daughter were given by him on phone.

She was suffering from urticaria, red small eruptions with itching and occasional swelling on eyelids and lips. She also had Dermatographism (eruptions followed by scratching). This used to affect her neck, abdomen, back area 1-2 times in a day for more than half hour.

She was on antiallergic medicines since 4 months But these medicines used to make her drowsy and sleepy. Her academic progress was also getting hampered because of this.

When asked about the causative factor, her father said that it can be because of her allergy to dust or can be because of hereditary factor. Her mother also had itching with skin eruptions occasional which was not very frequent.

She was a overweight not very active child and had more than average body weight. She had craving for sweets , chicken++ and bakery products. Her water intake was less than average and she used to have constipation frequently. Her sweating was offensive and it was difficult for her to tolerate summer season in general.

YPK was a sensitive, introvert child. It was difficult for her to tolerate if anyone would shout at her. She used to weep alone as a reaction to this reprimand. She would hardly share her inner emotions with anyone.

In past medical history she had Malaria and typhoid 2 years back. She would suffer from gastritis very often till 2010. There were some major illness in her family like her father and grandfather had high blood pressure and heart disease, grandmother had cancer.

Based on all these details Dr Shah prescribed 6 weeks constitutional medicines for her. She started taking medicines on 2nd February 2012. During her feedback after 6 weeks her father called up on 12th March saying that she is more than 80% fine. Frequency of eruptions decreased from 1-2times in a day to once in 4-5 days. Also the intensity of itching also reduced by 75%. Again she was given 6 weeks medicines.

Her father during second follow up called up in May 2012 saying that she was more than 95% better the frequency has gone down further to once in 10 days and as she has to take her allopathic medicines less frequently, she can concentrate more on her studies.. Her father also reported that now she is less sensitized by dust and her bowel movements are also fine.

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