Extensive spots of psoriasis scattered all over the body, recovered within 8 months of medications

39 years old, Mr. S. A. H. visited Life Force on 17th December 2012. He was suffering from Psoriasis since 8 years. His patient identification number is 20407. The spots were moderate to extensive scattered all over body. He was symptom free for 2 years, 4 years back. Since 4 years it had reappeared again. Since a year it was rapidly spreading. The eruptions were thick and leathery in appearance. There were thick silvery white scales on them. It would bleed when scratched. The eruptions would increase in winter season. He had taken medicines from several doctors in the past but did not find any relief. He was taking ayurvedic medicines since 15 days.
His appetite was average. He craved spicy food. He was habituated to taking 12 – 15 cigarettes in a day since 10 years. He was sensitive to cold weather. He did not sweat easily.

He was working as a construction supervisor in a company. His wife was a home maker. He had 3 children. 2 sons aged 13 years and 7 years and a daughter aged 5 years. His younger brother stayed in the same locality but their ties were not cordial.

He was anxious and worrisome. He would have anticipatory anxiety and impatience. He was sensitive and feared fighting. He would be suspicious regarding his wife and sister.

He had occasional nose bleeding in the past.

His parents suffered from Diabetes and high blood pressure.

He was prescribed research based medicines by Dr. Shah.

He reported on 13th February 2013 with mild increase and spread in Psoriasis. There were new spots. The old spots were 10% improved. The scaling and itching was mildly better. His case was reviewed and medicines were upgraded by Dr. Shah.

He reported on 5th May with overall 50% improvement in Psoriasis. There was no spread or new spots. The old spots were less itching and scaling.

He reported on 11th July with around 90% improvement in Psoriasis. All the spots were healing leaving dark hyper pigmented spots. There was no itching or scaling.

He personally visited on 27th September to thank Dr. Shah for his wonderful complete recovery. He was completely cured. There were no active eruptions. All the eruptions had healed with dark pigmented spots.

He was glad with such a wonderful recovery achieved within 8 months of medications.

Uploaded on 23 September 2013, by Dr. M.N.P.

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